Anaphora 1983
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ANDERSON, A., GARROD, S. C. & SANDFORD, A. J. «The accessibility of pronominal antecedents as a function of episode shifts in narrative text» Quatertly Journal of Experimental Psychology 35, A:427-440.

BARDOVI-HARLIG, K. «When given and new coïncide», in Papers from the 19th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: 14-26.

BELLETTI, A. «On the anaphoric status of the reciprocal construction in Italian», The Linguistic Review 2: 101-138.

BERRENDONNER, A. «Connecteurs pragmatiques et anaphore», Cahiers de linguistique française 5: 215-246.

BERTOCCHI, A. & CASADIO, C. «Anaphoric relations, Pronouns and Latin complementation» in H. Pinkster (ed.), Latin linguistics and linguistic theory, Amsterdam: Benjamins.

BERTOCCHI, A. & MARALDI, M. «Pronominal subjects in finite clauses», Concilium Eirene XVI, Prague.

BENTIVOGLIO, P. «Topic continuity and discontinuity in discourse: a study of spoken Latin-American Spanish», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse...

BILLER-LAPPIN, Y. «Backward anaphora in discourse», unpublished Master's Thesis, Tel Aviv University.

BLUMSTEIN, S. E.; GOODGLASS, H. ; STATLENDER, S. & BIBER, C. «Comprehension strategies determining reference in anaphora: a study of reflexivization», Brain and Language 18: 115-127.

BOSCH, P. Agreement and anaphora. A study of the role of pronouns in syntax and discourse, Cognitive Science Series, London & New York: Academic Press.

BRADY, M. & BERWICK, R. C. Computational models of discourse, Cambridge: MIT Press.

BRAME, M. K. «Bound anaphora is not a relation between NPs: Evidence for local word grammar (without trees)», Linguistic Analysis 11-2: 139-166.

BROWN, C. «Topic continuity in written English narrative», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse ...

BROWN G. & YULE, G. Electronic bibliography on discourse analysis, Cambridge: University Press.

CHEN, P. A discourse analysis of third person zero anaphora in Chinese, PhD thesis, University of California.

CLARK, R. «Parasitic gaps and split anaphora», unpublished Master thesis, University of California, Los Angeles.

COHEN, S. The acquisition of control in complement sentences: the role of structural and lexical factors, Ph. D. Dissertation, Cornell University.

COOREMAN, A. «Topic continuity and the voicing system of an ergative language: Chamorro», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic Continuity in Discourse...

CORBETT, G. Hierarchies, targets and controllers: agreement patterns in Slavic, London: Croom Helm.

CORBLIN, F. «Défini et démonstratif dans la reprise immédiate», Le français moderne 51-2: 118-134.

CORBLIN, F. «Les désignateurs dans les romans», Poétique 54: 199-211.

DELL, G. & McCOON, G. & RATCLIFF, R. «The activation of antecedent information during the processing of anaphoric reference in reading», Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 22 121-132.

EHLICH, K. «Deixis und Anapher», in G. Rauth (ed.), Essays on Deixis, Tübingen: Narr.

EHLICH, K. & RAYNER, K. «Pronouns assignment and semantic intergration during reading: eve movements and immediacy of processing», Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 22: 75-97.

FASOLD, R. W. Variation in the form and use of language : a sociolinguistics reader, Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University  Press.

FOX, A. «Topic continuity in Biblical Hebrew narrative», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse...

FREIDIN, R. & HARBERT, W. «On the fine structure of the binding theory: principle A and reciprocals», in P. Sells & C. Jones (eds.), Proceedings of NELS XIII, GLSA, Amherst, MA.

GARCIA, E. C. «Context dependence of language and linguistic analysis», in F. Klein-Andreu (ed.), Discourse perspectives on syntax, New York: Academic Press.

GASSER, M. «Topic continuity in written Amharic narrative», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse...

GIORGI, A. «Toward a theory of long distance anaphors: a GB Approach», The Linguistic Review 3: 307-361.

GIVON, T. (ed.) Topic continuity in discourse: a quantitative cross-language Study, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins.

GIVON, T. «Topic continuity in discourse: an introduction», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse...

GIVON, T. «Topic continuity and word-order pragmatics in Ute», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse...

GIVON, T. «Topic continuity in spoken English», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse...

GROSZ, B.; JOSHI, A. & WEINSTEIN, S. «Providing a unified account of definite noun phrases in discourse», Proceedings of the 31th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

GUNJI, T. «Generalized phrase structure grammar and Japanese reflexivization», Linguistics and Philosophy 6-1 : 115-156.

van HAAFTEN, T.; SMITS, R. & VAT, J. «Left dislocation, connectedness and reconstruction», in W. Abraham (ed.), On the formal syntax of the Westgermania, Amsterdam: Benjamins.

HARBERT, W. «Germanic reflexives and the implementation of binding conditions», in R. Rauch & G. F. Carr (eds), Language change, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

HARBERT, W. «On the definition of binding domains», in D. Flickinger (ed.), Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics II, Stanford University, Stanford.

HELLAN, L. «Anaphora in Norwegian and theory of binding», Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 5, University of Trondheim.

HIGGINBOTHAM, J. «Logical form, binding, and n-nominals», Linguistic Inquiry 14-3: 395-420.

HINDS, J. «Topic continuity in Japanese», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse...

HOBBS, J. R. «Resolving pronouns reference», in B. Grosz et alii (eds.), Readings natural language processing, Los Altos: Morgan Kaufmann.

HUANG, C.-T. J. «A note on the binding theory», Linguistic Inquiry 14: 554-561.

JAGGAR, P. «Some dimensions of topic-NP continuity in Hausa narrative», in T. Givon (ed.), Topic continuity in discourse...

JAYASEELAN, K. A. «Case-marking and y-marking in Malayalam: implications for the projection principle», B. L. S. 9.

JOHNSON-LAIRD, P. N. Mental models: toward a cognitive science of language, inference and consciousness, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

KLEIBER, G. «Les démonstratifs (dé)montrent-ils? Sur le sens référentiel des adjectifs et pronoms démonstratifs», Le français Moderne 51-2: 99-117.

KURODA, S.-Y. «What can Japanese say about government and binding», WCCFL 2: 153-164. [Reprinted in S.-Y. Kuroda, Japanese syntax and semantics, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.]

LANDMAN, F. & MOERDIJK, I. «Compositionality and the analysis of anaphora», Linguistics and Philosophy 6-1 : 89-114.

LEBEAUX, D. «A distributional difference between reciprocals and reflexives», Linguistic Inquiry 14: 723-730.

LUST, B.; CHIEN, Y.-C. & MANGIONE, L. «First language acquisition of Mandarin Chinese: constraints on free and bound null anaphora», in S. Hattori & K. Inoue (eds.), Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan.

LUST, B. & MANGIONE, L. «The principal branching direction parameter in first language acquisition of anaphora», in P. Sells & C. Jones (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Linguistic Society, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

MANZINI, M. R. «On control and control theory», Linguistic Inquiry 14: 421-446.

MERLINI, L. «Difficoltà di applicazione del modello Halliday-Hasan in alcune aree della coesione», Papers on work in progress 3-3: 6-13.

MITTWOCH, A. «Backward anaphora and discourse structure», Journal of Pragmatics 7: 129-139.

MOHANAN, K. P. «Functional and anaphoric control», Linguistic Inquiry 14: 641-674.

RAPPAPORT, G. «On anaphora and control in Russian», in W. Harbert (ed.), Cornell University Working Papers in Linguistics 4: 201-221.

REINHART, T. Anaphora and semantic interpretation, Chicago: Chicago University Press.

REINHART, T. «Coreference and bound anaphora: a restatement of the anaphora questions», Linguistic and Philosophy 6: 47-88.

RICHARDS, B. «Anaphora, descriptions and discourse representations», Synthese 54-2 : 209-233.

SANFORD, A. J. et alii «Pronoun without explicit antecedents?», Journal of Semantics 2: 303-318.

SIDNER, C. L. «Focusing in the comprehension of definite anaphora», in B. Grosz & alii (eds.) Readings in natural language processing, Los Altos : Morgan Kaufmann; also in M. Brady & R. Berwick (eds.), Computational models of discourse, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

SOLAN, L. Pronominal reference: child language and the theory of grammar, Dordrecht: Reidel.

TAMBA, I. «La composante référentielle dans 'un manteau de laine", "un manteau en laine», Langue française 57: 119-128.

TAMBA-MECZ, I. «Pourquoi dit-on : ton neveu, il est orgueilleux et ton neveu, c'est un orgueilleux ? », Information Grammaticale 19: 3-10.

TAYLOR-BROWNE, K. «Acquiring restrictions on forwards anaphora: a pilot study», Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics 9: 75-99.

THAVENIUS, C. Referential pronouns in English conversation, Lund Studies in English, 64, Lund: Liberlaromedel Lund.

TYLER, L. K. «The development of discourse mapping processes: the on-line interpretation of anaphoric expression», Cognition 13-3 : 309-341.

VALENTIN, P. «How does anapher work ?», in U. Pieper & G. Stickel (eds.), Studia Linguistica Diachronica et Synchronica: Werner Winter, sexagenario anno MCMLXXXIII, Berlin ; New York & Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter.

WARD, G. «On non-reflexive pronouns in reflexive environments», in S. Ash et alii (eds.), Penn Review of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania.

WERT, P. «The accent of anaphora», Université Libre de Bruxelles, Rapport de l'Institut de Phonétique, 11-20.

WIESE, B. «Anaphora by pronouns», Linguistics 21: 373-417.

YANG, D.-W. «The extended binding theory of anaphora», Language Research 19: 169-192.

ZAENEN, A. «On syntactic binding», Linguistic Inquiry 14-3: 469-504.

Last modified: 10/21/2010

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