ARGIEN, J. Deixis & discourse in English, Doctorat de Nouveau Régime, Université de la Réunion.
Deictic conceptualization...
«Towards a unified model of domain-bound reference», in F. Lenz (ed.),DASSI, M. De la morphosyntaxe à la sémantique des présentatifs en français contemporain : une aperception fondée sur la prose romanesque de Mongo, München : Lincom.
Language 79-1: 82-117.
«Demonstratives in space and interaction: data from Lao spealers and implications for semantic analysis»,Journal of Pragmatics 35: 101-117.
«The definition of WHAT-d'you-call-it: semantics and pragmatics of 'recognitional deixis',Deictic conceptualization...
«Origo, pointing, and conceptualization - what gestures about the nature of the origo in face-to-face interaction», in F. Lenz (ed.),Deictic conceptualization...
«Look here, what I am saying!: Speaker deixis and implicature as the basis of modality and future tense», in F. Lenz (ed.),Deictic conceptualization...
«Deixis and speech situation revisited: the mechanism of perceived perception», in F. Lenz (ed.),Deictic conceptualization...
«Politeness distinctions in second person pronouns», in F. Lenz (ed.),«Multimodal textuality: narrative, gesture, and deictic blending», paper presented at the Panel on «Topics in language theory», sponsored by the Language Theory Division, MLA Convention, San Diego, CA, December 2003.
«Narrative, gesture, and deictic blending», paper presented at the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Georgetown, D. C., April 2003.
Deictic conceptualization...
«Deictics in the conversational dyad: findings in Spanish and some cross-linguistic outlines», in F. Lenz (ed.),Deictic conceptualization...
«Deictic use of demonstrative pronouns in the Rigveda», in F. Lenz (ed.),Deictic conceptualization...
«Deictic conceptualization of space, time and person: Introduction», F. Lenz (ed.),Deictic conceptualization of space, time, and person, Amsterdam & Philadelpheia: Benjamins.
(ed.)COG-Speech Origin of Man, Language and Languages Conference, Grenoble.
«The production of agent deixis via prosody or syntax: an fMRI study», inActas del XXIII Congreso Internacional de Linguistica y Filologia Romanica, Tübingen: Niemeyer.
«La dexis verbal», in F. Sanchez Miret (ed.),Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 15-2.
«Deixis as an interactive feature in literary translations from Romanian into English»,Deictic conceptualization...
«'Addressee effects' in demonstrative systems: the cases of Tiriyó and Brazilian Portugueuse», in F. Lenz (ed.),MEKNASSI SALIME, K. Systématique de la deixis en arabe moderne : une interprétation psychomécanique, Doctorat de Nouveau Régime, Université de Paris IV- Sorbonne.
Deictic conceptualization...
«Non-deictic of the deictic motion verbs kommen and gehen in German», in F. Lenz (ed.),Deictic conceptualization...
«The 'subjective' effects of negation and past subjunctive on deontic modals. the case of German dürfen and sollen», in F. Lenz (ed.),Anaphore, cataphore et déixis chez Plaute: les emplois de is, hic, iste, ille, Thèse de Nouveau Régime soutenue à l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne le Samedi 11 Octobre, directeur d'études: Madame le Professeur Michèle FRUYT, Directeur de l' Institut du Latin.
Diachronic Perspectives on Address term Systems, Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 107, Amsterdam & Phildelphia: Benjamins.
«Demonstrative pronouns in addressing and referring in Finnish», in I. Taavitsainen & A. H. Jucker (eds),Deictic conceptualization...
«Two ways of construing complex temporal structures», in F. Lenz (ed.),Crossroads of language, interaction, and culture 5: 67-91.
«Demonstratives in Korean conversation as interactional resources»,Last modified: 10/11/2010