Deixis 2002
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ACHARD, M. «The meaning and distribution of French mood inflections», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

AMY, Y.-T. W. «Demonstratives, deixis or discourse markers? A corpus-based study of "Kani'i" and"Kana'a" in Sa'arua», lecture held at the 9th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Australian National University, Canbderra, January 8-11.

BRISARD, F. Grounding: the epistemic footing of deixis and reference, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

BRISARD, F. «The English present», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

BRISARD, F. «Introduction: the epistemic footing of deixis and reference», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

ELAM, K. The semiotics of theatre and drama, New York: Routledge.

EPSTEIN, R. «Grounding, subjectivity and definite descriptions», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

FINNEY, S.; WAKKER, P. P. PACK KAELBLING, L. & OATES, T. «The thing that we tried didn't work very well: deictic representation in reinforcement learning», UAI 2002: 154-161.

HEATH, Chr. «Demonstrative suffering: the gestural (re)embondiment of symptoms», Journal of Communication 52: 597-617.

HOCH REID, W. ; OTHEGUY, R. & STERN, N. Signal, meaning, and message : perspective on sign-based linguistics, Amsterdam & Philadelphia : Benjamins.

JANSSEN, Th.A.J.M. «Deictic principles of pronominals, demonstratives and tenses», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

JUNGBLUTH, K. «Les pronoms démonstratifs de l'espagnol dans l'espace du dialogue», in C. D. Pusch & W. Raible (eds.), Romanitische Korpuslinguistik: Korpora und gesprochene Sprache / Romance Corpus Linguistics Corpora and Spoken Language, Tübingen: Narr.

KLEIN, W. & JUNGBLUTH, K. (eds.) Deixis, Stuttgart & Weimar : Metzler.

KOCHANSKA, A. «A cognitive grammar analysis of Polish nonpast perfectives and imperfectives: how virtual events differ from actual ones», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

KRYK-KASTOVSKY, B. & KASTOVSKY, D. «Deictic anchoring in Early Modern English court trials», in A. Fischer, G. Tottie & H. Lehmann (eds.), Text types and Corpora. Studies in Honour of Udo Fries, Tübingen: Narr.

LANDER, Y. «Perfect i obstojatel' stva konkretnogo vremeni», in V. A. Plungian, A. Yu. Urmanchieva (eds.), Jazyki mira. Tipoloija. Uralistika. Pamjati T. Zhdanovoj, Moscow: Indrik.

LANGACKER, R. «Remarks on the English grounding systems», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

LANGACKER, R. «Deixis and subjectivity», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

LAURY, R. «Interaction, grounding and third-person referential forms», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

LESSAN, P. H. Système verbal et deixis en persan et en français: d'après les traductions persanes de La peste, La chute et Caligula d'Albert Camus, L'Harmattan.

LOEVENBRUCK, H.; BACIU, M. SEGEBARTH, C. & ABRY, C. «Prosodic deixis (focus) and syntactic deixis (extraction) in LIFG and LSMG», Neuroimage (nr. 10162).

LOEVENBRUCK, H.; BACIU, M. SEGEBARTH, C. & ABRY, C. «Deixis prosodique (focalisation) et syntactique (extraction) dans l'aire de Broca et le gyrus supramarginal», Colloque de Prosodie, Genève.

LOEVENBRUCK, H.; BACIU, M. SEGEBARTH, C. & ABRY, C. «Une étude IRMf de la production silencieuse de la deixis agentive via la focalisation prosodique ou l'extraction syntaxique», Journées Imagerie Cérébrale et Langage, Lyon.

LUKASZEWSKI, A. L. «'This' or 'that': the far demonstrative pronoun in QapGen II 6», Revue de Qumram 20-4: 589-592.

MORTELMANS, T. «'Wieso sollte ich dich küssen, du hässlicher Mensch! A study of the German modals sollen and müssen as 'grounding predications' in interrogatives», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

NICOLADIS, E. & BRISARD, F. «Encoding motion in gestures and speech: are there differences in bilingual chlidren's French and English», in E. Clark (ed.), Space in lanuage: location, motion , path and manner: Proceedings of the 31st Stanford Child Research Forum, Stanford: CSLI.

NUYTS, J. «Grounding and the system of epistemic expressions in Dutch: a cognitive-functional view», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

De MULDER, W. & VETTERS, C. «The French imparfait, determiners and grounding», in F. Brisard (ed.), Grounding...

PARABONI, I & van DEEMTER, K. «Towards the generation of document-deictic references», in K. van Deemter & R. Kibble (eds.), Information Sharing, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

PARABONI, I & van DEEMTER, K. «Generating easy references: the case of document deixis», in Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on natural language generation (INLG 2002).

PIWEK, P. Deictic reference in a dialogue game: from empirical investigations to algorithms, Seminar at Collaborative Research Centre SFB 360 and TOC Graduate School, University Bielefed, April 29.

QUINTO-POZOS, D. «Deictic point in the visual/gestural and tactile/gestural modalities», in R. P. Meier, K. Cormier & D. Quinto-Pozos (eds.), Modality and structure in signed and spoken language, Cambridge: University Press.

RAUH, G. «Kategoriale Aspekte deiktischer Ausdrücke», in W. Klein & K. Jungbluth (eds.), Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 32-125 (Thema: Deixis): 114-145.

SERRATRICE, L. «Overt subjects in English: evidence for the marking of person in an English-Italian bilingual child», Journal of Child Language 29-2: 327-355.

TOUSSAINT, D. Suspens de la référenciation : le groupe nominal chinois avec déictique, Gap : Ophrys.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hèléne Perdicoyianni-Palèologou, E-Mail: