Coreference 1994
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BLOOM, P. «Children’s knowledge of binding and coreference : evidence from spontaneous speech», Language 70-1 : 53-71.

CHAPOUILLÉ, G. Coréférence et messages composites: pour la formation d'un lecteur sagace, Mémoire ou Thèse, Université de Toulouse II.

SLOBIN, D. I. «Pragmatic principles in coreference», in B. Lust, G. Hermon & J. Kornfilt (eds.), Syntactic theory and first language acquisition: crosslinguistic perspective, vol. 2 :  Anaphora,  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: