Coreference 1993
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BRIXHE, D. Aspects processuels interactifs dans l'élaboration de la coréférence chez l'enfant (10 à 12 ans) en situation d'explication de jeu, Thèse de doctorat de Nouveau Régime, Université de Nancy II.

GRONDZINSKY, Y & REINHARDT, T. «The innateness of binding and coreference», Linguistic Inquiry 24: 69-101.

MATTEWSON, L. DAVIS, H. & GARDINER, D. «Coreference in Northern interior Salish», International Conference on Salishan and Neighboring Languages 28: 217-232.

MERLO, P. «For an incremental computation of intrasentential coreference», in IJCAI.

PAYNE, Th. E. The twins stories: participant coding in Yagua narrative, Berkeley : University of California Press.


Last modified: 10/11/2011

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: