Argumentation 1996
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ABEL, P. «La problématisation du monde et la mimésis de paul Ricoeur», in C. Hoogaert (ed.), Argumentation...

AKSU-KOC, A. «Frames of mind through narrative discourse», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

ANDERSEN, E. S. «A cross-cultural study of children’s register knowledge», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

ANGLARD, V. 25 modèles d’étude de textes argumentatifs, Alleur (Belgique) : Marabout ; Paris : diff. Hachette.

L’argumentation, Rennes : CRDP de Bretagne.

BAMBERG, M. & REILLY, J. «Emotion, narrative, and affect», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

BERMAN, R. A. «Form and function in developing narrative abilities», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

BLUE, G. M. & MITCHELL, R. Language and education : papers from the annual meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the University of Southampton, September 1995, Clevedon, Eng., & Philadelphia : British Association for Applied Linguistics in association with Multilingual Matters.

BRETON, P. L’argumentation dans la communication, Paris : Éd. la Découverte.

BROWN, R. «The language of social relationship», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

BUDWIG, N. «What influences children’s patterning of forms and functions in early child language?», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

CARRILHO, M. M. «Conséquences de la problématologie», in C. Hoogaert (ed.), Argumentation...

CASCARDI, A. J. «La question de l’Aufklärung», in C. Hoogaert (ed.), Argumentation...

COLSON, J. Le dissertoire : méthodes en sciences humaines, Bruxelles : De Boeck.

COMETTI, J.-P. «Questionnement, langage et signification», in C. Hoogaert (ed.), Argumentation...

COOK-GUMPERZ, J. & SCALES, E. «Girls, boys, and just people», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

CORSARO, W. A. & MAYNARD, D. W. «Format tying in discussion and argumentation among Italian and American children», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

DOMINCY, M. «Le genre épidictique : une argumentation  sans questionnement?», in C. Hoogaert (ed.), Argumentation...

DURANTI, A. OCHS, E. «Use and acquisition of genitive constructions in Samoan», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

DUNN, J. «Arguing with siblings, friends, and mothers», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

VAN EEMEREN, F. & GROOTENDORST, R. Waar slaat dat nou zeer op ? De taal van het meningsverschil, Amsterdam & Antwerpen : Contact.

VAN EEMEREN, F. H. & GROOTENDORST, R. La nouvelle dialectique, trad. par S. Bruxelles, M. Doury & T. Traverso ; trad. coordonnée par Ch. Platin, Paris : Ed. Kimé.

ERVIN-TRIPP, S. «Context in language», in D. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

FILLMORE, C. J. « The pragmatics of constructions», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

FILLMORE, L. W. «What happens when languages are lost?», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

FREELEY, A. J. Argumentation and debate : critical thinking for reasoned decision naking, 9th ed., Belmont : Wadsworth.

GAMELIN, C. Le discours de l’adulte inductif du discours argumentaif chez l’enfant, Nantes : Université de Nantes.

GARCIA-DEBANC, C. L’argumentation en dialogues, Paris : Larousse.

GARDES-TAMINE, J. La rhétorique, Paris : Colin.

GERHARDT, J. & STINSON, C. «The therapeutic encounter», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

GHARDI, S. Illocutoire et argumentation en arabe écrit : réflexions sur la pragmatique linguistique, Thèse de Doctorat,  Université de Paris V.

GLEASON, J. B. «Patterns of prohibition in parent-child discourse», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

GOLDER, C. Le développement des discours argumentatifs, Lausanne : Delachaux & Niestlé.

GOODWIN, M. H. « Shifting frame», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

GRIMSHAW, A. «Code-switching or code-mixing», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

GRIZE, J. B. Logique naturelle et communication, Paris : Presses universitaires de France.

GUMPERZ, J. J. «On teaching language in its sociocultural context», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

HINTON, L. «The new old ladies’ songs», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

HOOGAERT, C. (ed.) Argumentation et questionnement, Paris Presses universitaires de France, cop.

HOOGAERT, C. «Persuation, communication et questionnement», in C. Hoogaert (ed.), Argumentation...

HULL, P. «Bilingualism : some personality and cultural issues», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

HYMES, D. « Oral patterns as a resource in children’s writing», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

JOHN-STEINER, V. «Women’s collaborative interactions», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

KÜNTAY, A. & SLOBON, D. I. «Listening to a Turkish mother», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

KYRATZIS, A. & GUO, J. «'Separate worlds for girls and boys'? », in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

LAMBERT, M. D. « Studying gender differences in the conversational humor of adults and children », in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

LENOBLE, J. & BRETON, A. Dire la norme : droit, politique et énonciation, nouv. éd., Paris : LGDJ & Bruxelles : Bruylant.

MEYER, B. Maîtriser l’argumentation, Paris : Colin.

MEYER, B. «Les fondements de l’argumentation», in C. Hoogaert (ed.), Argumentation...

MILLER, W. R. « Language socialization and language differentiation in small scale societies», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

MOLINIE, G. «L’argumentation littéraire en théorie sémiostylistique», in C. Hoogaert (ed.), Argumentation...

MYERSON, G. & RYDIUN, Y. The language of environment : a new rhetoric, London : UCL Press.

NADER, L. «Regulating household talk», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

NAKAMURA, K. « The use of polite language by Japanese preschool children», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

NICOLOPOULOU, A. «Narrative development in social context», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

O’CONNOR, M. C. «Managing the intermental», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

PAK, M. : SPROTT, R. & ESCALERA, E. «Little words, big deal», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

PERRIN, L. L’ironie mise au point : du sens des énoncés hyperboliques et ironiques, Paris : Ed. Kimé.

PETERS, A. M. «The development of collaborative story retelling by a two-year-old blind child and his father», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

PIATTELLI-PALMARINI, M. L’arte di persuadere : come impararla, come esercitarla, come difendersene, Milano : Oscar Mondadori.

RACCAH, P.-Y. (ed.) Topoi et gestion des connaissances, préf. De O. Ducrot,   Paris ; Milan & Barcelone : Masson.

REDELER, G. & MAES, A. «Gender differences in interruptions», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

SCHELDON, A. & ROHLEDER, A. «Sharing the same world, telling different stories», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

SCHIEFFELIN B. B. & OCHS, E. «The microgenesis of competence», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

SILVER, M. Arguing the case : language and play in argumentation, Chicago : Adams Press.

SLOBIN, D. I. [et. al.] Social interaction, social context, and language : essays in honor of Susan Ervin-Tripp, Mahwah, NJ :  Erlbaum Associates.

TOLMACH LAKOFF, R. «True confessions?», in D. I. Slobin [et. al.], Social interaction...

VIGNER, G. Écrire pour convaincre : observer, s’entraîner, écrire, Paris : Hachette FLE.

WALTON, D. N. Argmentation schemes for presumptive reasoning, Mahwah : Erlbaum.

Last modified: 10/21/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: