Anaphora 1998
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ALBRECHT, J. E. & CLIFTON, C. Jr. «Accessing singular antecedents in conjoined phrases», Memory and Cognition 26-3: 599-610.

ANGELOVA, G. ; KALAYDJIEV, O. & VON HAHN, W. «The gain of failure : using side-effects of anaphora resolution for term consistency checks», Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1480 : 1.

ARIEL, M. «Three grammaticalization paths for the development of person verbal agreement in Hebrew», in J.-P. Koenig (ed.), Discourse and cognition: bridging the gap, Stanford: CSLI/Cambridge University Press.

ASHER, N. & LASCARIDES, A. «Bridging», Journal of Semantics 15: 83-113.

ASUDEH, A. Anaphora and argument structure: topics in the syntax and semantics of reflexives and reciprocals, M. Phil. Thesis, Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Endibourgh.

AZZAM, S.; HUMPHREYS, K. & GAIZAUSKAS, R. «Evaluating a focus-based approach to anaphora resolution», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98).

AZZAM, S.; HUMPHREYS, K. & GAIZAUSKAS, R. «Coreference resolution in a multilingual information extraction system», in Proceedings, Workshop on Linguistic Coreference, Granada.

AZZAM, S.; HUMPHREYS, K. & GAIZAUSKAS, R. «Extending a simple coreference algorithm with a focusing mechanism», in New approaches to discourse anaphora: proceedings of the second colloquium on discourse anaphora and anaphor resolution (DAARC2).

BACH, K. «A review of Thorstein Fretheim and Jeanette K. Gundel (eds.), Reference and referent accessibility», Pragmatics and Cognition 6-1/2: 335-357.

BAGGA, A. & BALDWIN, B. «Algorithms for scoring coreference chains», in Proceedings, Workshop on Linguistic Coreference at 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Granada.

BAGGA, A. & BALDWIN, B. «Entity-based cross-document coreferencing using the vector space model», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98).

BARBOSA, P. [et al.], Is the best good enough? : Omptimality and competition in syntax, Cambridge, MA : MIT Press.

BENNIS, H.; PICA, P. & ROORYCK, J. (eds.) Atomism and binding, Dordrecht: Foris.

BENNIS, H.; PICA, P. & ROORYCK, J. «Perspectives on binding and atomism», in H. Bennis, P. Pica & J. Rooryck (eds.), Atomism and binding...

BERTHONNEAU, A.-M. & KLEIBER, G. «Imparfait, anaphore et inférences», in A. Boprillo, C. Vetters & M. Vuillaume (eds.), Variations sur la référence verbale, Cahiers Chronos 3, Amsterdam: Rodopi.

BLACKWELL, S. E. «Constraints on Spanish NP anaphora : the syntactic versus the pragmatic domain», Hispania 81-3 : 606-618.

BOTLEY, S. P. & McENERY, A. M. (eds) Approaches to discourse anaphora: proceedings of the discourse anaphora and anaphor resolution colloquium (DAARC98), Lancaster: UCREL. Technical Papers, Special Issue 11.

BOUMA, G.; MALOUF, R. & SAG, I. A. Satisfying constraints on extraction and adjunction, unpublished manuscript.

BRANCO, A. «Towards a lean constraint based implementation of binding theory», in New approaches to discourse anaphora: proceedings of the second colloquium on discourse, anaphora and anaphor resolution, Lancaster: Lancaster University, UCREL Technical Papers, vol. 11, special issue.

BRANCO, A. «The logical structure of binding», in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), Montreal: University of Montréal.

BRANCO, A. & MARRAFA, P. «Long-distance reflexives and the binding square of opposition», in G. Webelhuth, J.-P. Koening & A. Kathol (eds.), Lexical and constructional aspects of linguistics explanation, Stanford: CSLI-Center for the study of Language and Information Press, chap. 11.

BRESNAN, J. «The emergence of the unmarked pronoun II», unpublished manuscript, Stanford: Stanford University. Revised version of a paper presented at the Hopkins Optimality Theory Workshop, University of Maryland, Mayfest, Baltimore, May 9-12, 1997.

BUNT, H. C. ; BEUN, R.-J. & BORGHUIS, T. Multimodal human-computer communication : systems, techniques, and experiments, Berlin & New York : Springer.

BYRON, D. K. Understanding referring expressions, Masters Thesis. University of Rochester.

BYRON, D. & STENT, A. «A preliminary model of centering in dialog», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), Montréal, Canada.

CADIOT, P. «Les régimes des prépositions chez et en: des calculs référetiels improbables», in C. Schnedecker (éd.), Les corrşlats anaphoriques...

CHAMBERS, C. G. & SMYTH, R. «Structural parallelism and discourse coherence: a test of centering theory», Journal of Memory and Language 39-4: 593-608.

CHAROLLES, M. «Les prédicats transformateurs et leurs patients: fondements d'une ontologie naturelle», Cahiers de Recherche Linguistique 11, LANDISCO, Université de Nancy 2.

COMBETTES, B. «Approche dichronique des tours corrélatifs du type: d'une part... d'autre part», in C. Schnedecker (éd.), Les corrşlats anaphoriques...

CONTE, M.-E. «Enoncés modaux et reprises anaphoriques», in M. Forsgren, K. Jonasson & H. Kronning (eds.), Prédications, assertion, information. Actes du Colloque d'Uppsala en linguistique française, 6-9 juin 1996, Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Romanica Upsaliensa, 56.

CORBLIN, F. «Celui-ci anaphorique: un mentionnel», Langue française 120: 33-43.

CORNISH, F. «Les chaînes topicales: leur rôle dans la gestion et la structuration du discours», Cahiers de Grammaire 23: 19-40.

CRISTEA, D.; IDE, N. & ROMARY, L. «Veins theory: a model of global discourse cohesion and coherence», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98).

DALMAS, M. «D'abord, et après ? Le marqueur d'intégration français et ses cousins germains», in C. Schnedecker (éd.), Les corrşlats anaphoriques..

EL KALADI, A. «Le pronom it et le cumul des fonctions», in D. Leeman & A. Boone (éds), Du percevoir au dire, Paris: L'Harmattan.

EPSTEIN, R. «Reference and definite referring expressions», Pragmatics and Cognition 6-1/2:189-207.

EVERAERT, M. Towards a more complete typology of anaphoric expression, unpublished manuscript, University of Utrecht.

FERRÁNDEZ A.; PALOMAR, M. & MORENO, L. «Anaphora resolution in unrestricted texts with partial parsing», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), Montréal, Canada.

FIGUERAS SOLANILLA, C. «Semántica y pragmática de las expresiones anafóricas», in J. L. Cifuentes (ed.), Estudios de lingüística cognitiva, vol. 1, Alicante: University of Alicante, Departamento de Filología Española, Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura.

FOX, B. «Locality in variable binding», in P. Barbarosa et al. (eds.) Is the best good enough?, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press & MITWPL.

FREIDIN, R. «Binding theory on minimalist assumptions», in H. Bennis, P. Pica & J. Rooryck (eds.) Atomism and binding...

FREIDIN, R. & VERGNAUD, J.-R. «Exquisite connections: some remarks on the evolution of linguistic theory», Lingua 111: 639-666.

FRIEDERICI, A. D. Language comprehension : a biological perspective, Berlin & New York : Springer.

GAIR, J. W. - KARUNATILAKA, W. S. «Pronouns, reflexives, and ant-anaphora in Sinhala», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in South Asian linguistics...

GAIR, J.; LUST, B.; BHATIA, T.; SHARMA, V. & KHARE, J. «A parameter-setting paradox: children's acquisition of Hindi anaphora in "Jab" clauses», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in South Asian linguistics...

GE, N.; HALE, J. & CHARNIAK, E. «A statistical approach to anaphora resolution», in Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Very-large Corpora, ACL.

GUNDEL, J. K. & MULKERN, A. E. «Quantity implicatures in reference understanding», Pragmatics and Cognition 6-1/2: 21-45.

HAHN, U. ; ROMACKER, M. & SCHULZ, S. «Why discourse structures in medical reports matter for the validity of automatically generated text knowledge bases», Medinfo 9-1 : 633-638.

HEIM, I. R. «Anaphora and semantic interpretation: a reinterpretation of Reinhart's approach», in U. Sauerland & O. Percus (eds.), The interpretative tract, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. 25, Cambridge, MA: MITWPL.

HENADEERAGE, K. «Anaphoric binding in colloquial Sinhala», in M. Butt & T. Holloway King (eds.), Proceedings of the LFG98 Conference, Stanford: CSLI-Centre for the Study of Language and Information Publications.

HENDRICKS, P. & DE HOOP, H. On the interpretation of semantic relations in the absence of syntactic structure, Cognitive Science and Engineering Prepublications, 3, Cognitive Science and Engineering, University of Groningen.

HIGGINBOTHAM, J. «A Plea for implicit anaphora», in H. Bennis, P. Pica & J. Rooryck (eds.), Atomism and binding...

HITZEMAN, J. & POESIO, M. «Long distance pronomilasation and global focus», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), Montréal, Canada.

HOJI, H. «Otagai is NOT a local anaphor», unpublished manuscript, University of South California.

HOJI, H. & UEYMAMA, A. «Resumption in Japanese», unpublished manuscript, University of South California.

HUDSON-ZUMURA, S. & TANNENHAUS, «Assigning antecedents to ambiguous pronouns: the role of the center of attention as the default assignment», in M. Walker, A. Joshi & E. Prince (eds.), Centering in discourse...

JACKENDOFF, R. «Why a conceptualist view of reference? A reply to Abbott», Linguistics and Philosophy 21: 211-219.

JOHNSON, H. M. & SEIFERT, C. M. «Updating accounts following a correction of misformation», Journal of Experimental Psychology : Learning, memory, and Cognition 24-6 : 1483-1494.

KAMEYAMA, M. «Intra-sentential centering: a case study», in M. Walker, A. Joshi & E. Prince (eds.), Centering in discourse...

KAZMI, A. A. Meaning and reference, Calgary : University of Calgary Press.

KEMPSON, R. & GABBAY, D. «Crossover : a unified view», Journal of Linguistics 34-1 : 73-124.

KEROMNES, Y. «Aspect et anaphore», in A. Borillo, C. Vetters & M. Vuillaume (eds.), Regards sur l'aspect, Amsterdam: Rodopi.

KOENING, J.-P. «Inside-out constraints and description languages for HPSG», in G. Webelhuth, J.-P. Koening & A. Kathol (eds.), Lexical and constructional aspects of linguistics explanation, Stanford: CSLI-Center for the study of Language and Information Press.

KEYSAR, B.; BARR, D. J. & BALIN, J. A. «Definite reference and mutual knowledge: process models of common ground in comprehension», Journal of Memory and Language 39-1: 1-20.

KIBBLE, R. «Modal subordination, focus and complement anaphora», in J. Ginzburg, Z. Khasidasvilli, C. Vogel, J. Levy & E. Vallduvi (eds), The Tbilisi symposium: selected papers, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

KIRSNER, R. S. & VAN HEUVEN, V. J. «The significance of demonstrative position in modern Dutch», Lingua 76: 209-201.

KLEIBER, G. «Référents évolutifs, anaphore pronominale, coercition de type et Volkswagen», in D. Leeman & A. Boone (éds), Du percevoir au dire, Paris: L'Harmattan.

KLEIBER, G. «Les démonstratifs à l'épreuve du texte ou Sur cette côte de la baie de l'Arguenon», Langue franĞaise 120: 77-94.

KRAHMER, E. Presupposition and anaphora, CSLI Lecture Notes Number 89, Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information.

KRATZER, A. «More structural analogies between pronouns and tenses», in D. Strolovitch & A. Lawson (eds.), Proceedings of semantics and linguistic theory VIII, Ithaca, NY: CLC Publication.

LALLY, C. «Friend or foe : the use of direct object pronouns by native English speakers in both English and French», Reading Improvement 35-1 : 31-37.

LAPARA, M. «Anaphoric binding in modern Greek», in M. Butt and T. H. King (eds.), On-line proceedings of the LFG98 conference.

LASNIK, H. «Levels of representation and the elements of anaphora», in H. Bennis, P. Pica & J. Rookyck (eds.), Atomism and binding...

LASNIK, H. «Some reconstruction riddles», UPenn Working Papers in Linguistics 5-1: 83-98.

LASNIK, H. «Exceptional case marking: perspectives old and new», in Boskovi, S. Franks & W. Snyder (eds.), Formal approaches to Slavic linguistics: The Connecticut Meeting 1997, Michigan Slavic Publications.

LEE, J. & STENNING, K. «Anaphora in multimodal discourse», in H. Bunt, R. J. Beun & T. Borghuis (eds.), Multimodal human-computer communication, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

LUST, B. (ed.) Studies in South Asian linguistics; Sinhala and other languages, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.

MANNING, C. & SAG, I.A. «Argument structure, valence, and binding», Nordic Journal of Linguistics 21: 107-144.

MARTÍNEZ-BARCO, P. et al. «Analizador parcial SUPP», in H. Coehlo, Progresso em Inteligencia Artificial, Lisbon, Portugal.

MATSUI, T. «Pragmatic criteria for reference assignment: a relevance-theoretic account of the acceptability of bridging», Pragmatics and Cognition 6-1/2: 47-97.

MITKOV, R. «Robust pronoun resolution with limited knowledge», in Proceedings of the 36th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), Montréal, Canada.

MITKOV, R. «Anaphora resolution: recent developments, future directions», manuscript tutorila presented at COLING-ACL98.

MITKOV, R. «Evaluating anaphora resolution approaches», in New approaches to discourse anaphora: proceedings of the second colloquium on discourse, anaphora and anaphor resolution, Lancaster: Lancaster University, UCREL Technical Papers, vol. 11, special issue.

MITKOV, R.; L. BELGUITH & STYS, M. «Multilingual robust anaphora resolution», in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-3), 7-16. Granada, Spain.

de MULDER, W. «Le pronom il véhicule-t-il un sens référeniel? En marge de G. Kleiber et F. Corblin», Travaux de linguistique 34: 91-106.

de MULDER, W. «Celui-ci et celui-là: encore un couple mal assorti?», in C. Schnedecker (éd.), Les correlats anaphoriques..

PACCAGNELLA, L. G. «Minimization of effort in the use of anaphora», Cybernetica 41-1: 57-65.

PAN, H. «Closeness, prominence, and binding theory», Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 16: 771-815.

PARABONI, I & LIMA, V. «Possesseive pronominal anaphor resolution in Portuguuse written texts», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98).

PARABONI, I. & LIMA, V. & STRUBE, L. «Possessive pronominal anaphor resolution in Portuguese Written Texts», in Proceedings of DAARC-2, 2nd Discourse, Anaphora, and Reference Resolution Colloquium.

PATERSON, K. B.; SANFORD, A. J.; MOXEY, L. M. & DAWYDIAK, E. «Quantifier polarity and referential focus during reading», Journal of Memory and Language 39-2: 290-306.

PEREGIN, J. The logic of anaphora, unpublished manuscript, Prague University, Prague.

PÉROZ, P. «D'une part, d'autre part: le partage du dit», in C. Schnedecker (éd.), Les correlats anaphoriques...

PLA, F. P. «Using grammatical inference methods for automatic part-of-speech tagging», in Proceedings of First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'98), Granada, Spain.

POESIO, M. «Cross-speaker anaphora and dialogue acts», in Proceedings, Workshop on Mutual Knowledge, Common Ground and Public Information, Saarbruecken: 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information.

POESIO, M.; im WALDE, S. & BREW, C. «Lexical clustering and definite description interpretation», in Proceedings, AAAI Spring Symposium on Learning for Discourse.

POPESCU-BELIS, A.; ROBBA, I & SABAH, G. «Reference resolution beyond coreference: a conceptual frame and its application», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98).

PRINCE, E. «On the limits of syntax, with reference to left-dislocation and topicalization», in P. Culicover & L. McNally (eds.), Syntax and semantics, vol. 29: The limits of syntax, New York: Academic Press.

REICHLER-BÉGUELIN, M.-J. «Le statut des informations non identifiantes dans le SN anaphorique», in M. Forsgren, K. Jonasson & H Kronning (éds.), Predications, assertion, information. Actes du Colloque d'Uppsala en linguistique française, 6-9 juin 1996, Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Romanica Upsaliensia 56.

REICHLER-BÉGUELIN, M.-J. «L'usage des SN démonstratifs dans les Fables de la Fontaine», Langue franĞaise 120: 95-109.

REULAND, E. «Structural conditions on chains and binding», in Proceedings of NELS 28, Amherst, MA: GLSA, University of Massachussetts.

REULAND, E. & SIGRIND, E. «Long distance "binding" in Iceland: syntax or discourse?», in H. Bennis, P. Pica & J. Rookyck (eds.), Atomism and binding...

ROBERTS, G. «The place of centering in a general theory of anaphora resolution», in M. Walker, A. Joshi & E. Prince (eds.), Centering in discourse...

ROCHA, M. A corpus-based study of anaphora in dialogus in English and Portuguese, Ph. D. Disseration, University of Sussex, Sussex, UK.

ROCHA, M. The antecedent-likehood theory: an ethnodology to analyse and resolve anaphora in dialogues, Cognitive Science Research Papers, University of Sussex.

ROCHA, M. A description of an annotation scheme to analyse anaphora in dialogues, Cognitive Science Research Papers, University of Sussex, UK.

SANFORD, A. & GARROD, S. «The role of scenario mapping in text comprehension», Discourse Processes 26-2/3 : 159-190.

SAUERLAND, U. & PERCUS, O. The interpretive track : working papers in syntax and semantics, Cambridge, MA : MIT Press.

SCHNEDECKER, C. «L'un et l'autre ou quelques aspects d'une union libre», Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique 3: 177-195.

SCHNEDECKER, C. «Être ou ne pas être comme les autres ? La question de l'(in)définitude du pronom les autres», (9ièmes rencontres en Pays Rhénan, 7-9 novembre 1997, Strasbourg), Scolia 11: 181-198.

SCHNEDECKER, C. (éd.) Les corrélats anaphoriques, Recherches linguistiques 22, Paris: Klincksieck.

SCHNEDECKER, C. «Les corrélats anaphoriques: une entrée en matière», in C. Schnedecker (éd.), Les corrşlats anaphoriques...

SCHNEDECKER, C. «"L'autre sans l'un": à propos des emplois isolés du pronom indéfini "l'autre"», in C. Schnedecker (éd.), Les corrşlats anaphoriques...

SCHNEDECKER, C. & CHAROLLES, M. «"Devenir N", "devenir un N" et "devenir ce N"», in M. Forsgren, K. Jonasson & H. Kronning (éds.), Prédication, assertion, information. Actes du colloque d'Uppsala en linguistique française, 6-9 juin 1996, Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Romanica Upsaliensia 56.

STALNAKER, R. «On the representation of context», Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7-1 : 3.

STRUBE, M. «Never Look Back: An Alternative to Centering», in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98).

SUPPES, P. & BÖTTNER, M. «Robotic machine learning of anaphora», Robotica 16-4 : 425-431.

SWIGGERS, P. «A propos de l'anaphore possessive en latin», in D. Longree (éd.) DE VSV. Etudes de syntaxe latine offertes en hommage à Marius Lavency (Bibl. des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain, 70), Louvain-La-Neuve & Paris: Peeters.

TAO, L. & HEALY, A. «Cognitive Strategies in Discourse Processing: A Comparison of Dutch, English, Japanese and Chinese Speakers», in A. Healy & L. Bourne (eds.), Foreign language learning: training and retention, Hillsdale NJ: Erlbaum.

THEISSEN, A. «Quand est-ce qu’ ‘un chien’ devient l’animal», Journal of French Language Studies  8-2 : 221-239;

The UCREL anaphoric annotation scheme, University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language, University of Lancaster.

WALKER, M. «Centering, anaphora resolution, and discourse structure», in M. Walker, A. Joshi & E. Prince (eds.); Centering in Discourse...

WALKER, M.; JOSHI, A. & PRINCE, E. (eds.), Centering in discourse, Oxford: University Press.

WALKER, M.; JOSHI, A. & PRINCE, E. (eds.) «Centering in naturally occurring discourse: An Overview», in M. Walker, A. Joshi & E. Prince (eds.), Centering in discourse...

WEBBER, B. & JOSHI, A. «Anchoring a lexical tree-adjoining grammar for discourse», in Coling/ACL Workshop on Discourse Relations and Discourse Markers, Montréal, Canada.

ZIMMERMAN, R. «Elliott Carter’s anaphora», Sonus-Cambridge MA 19-1 : 67-85.

Last modified: 10/21/20010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: