Anaphora 1985
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AOUN, J. A grammar of anaphora, Linguistic Inquiry Monographs 11, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

APPELT, D. Planning English sentences, Cambridge: University Press.

ARIEL, M. Giveness marking, Ph.D. Dissertation, Tel-Aviv University.

ARIEL, M. «The discourse functions of given information», Theoritical Linguistics 12-3: 99-113.

BERTOCCHI, A. «Subject ellipsis and case agreement», in C. Touratier (ed.), Syntaxe et latin, Aix-en-Provence, Université de Provence.

BOK-BENNEMA, R. «On marked pronominal anaphors and Eskimo Pro», in J. Guéron, H.-G. Obernauer & J.-Y. Pollock (eds.), Grammatical representation, Dordrecht: Foris.

BOSCH, P. «Constraints, coherence, comprehension. Reflections on anaphora» in E. Sözer (ed.), Text, Connexity, Text Coherence, Hamburg: Buske.

BOUCHARD, D. «The binding theory and the notion of accessible SUBJECT», Linguistic Inquiry 16-1: 117-133.

BOUCHARD, D. «PRO, Pronominal of anaphor», Linguistic Inquiry 16: 471-477.

BRESNAM, J. ; HALVORSEN, P.-K. & MALING, J. Logophoricity and bound anaphora, manuscript unpublished, Stanford University.

CASTANEDA, H.-N. Thinking, language, and experience, Minneapolis : University of Minessota.

CLOITRE, M. The effect of kind of anaphor on the accessiblity of antecedent information [microfilm].

CONTE, M.-E. «Textreferenten und Typen anaphorischer und Wiederaufnahme», in W. Heydrich & J. S. Petöfi (eds.), Aspekte der Konnexität und Kohärenz von Texten (=Papiere zur Textlinguistik 51), Hamburg: Buske.

CORBLIN, F. Anaphore et interprétation des segments nominaux, thèse de Doctorat d'Etat, Université de Paris VII.

CORBLIN, F. «Sur la notion d'anaphore», Revue quebécoise de linguistique 15-1: 173-195.

CORBLIN, F. «Remarques sur la notion d'anaphore», Revue Québecoise de linguistique 15-1: 173-195.

DAHL, D. The Structure and function of one-anaphora in English, Bloomington: IULC.

DAVIS, A. R. «Syntactic binding and relative aspect markers in Hausa», Studies in African Linguistics suppl. 9: 72-77.

EGLI, U & BÄUERLE, R. Anapher, Nominalphrase und Eselssätze, Arbeitspapier 105, Sonderforschungsbereich 99, Universität Konstanz.

ENGDAL, E. «Parasitic gaps, resumptive pronouns, and subject extraction», Linguistics 23: 3-44.

ENGEL, P. Identité et référence, Paris: Presses de l'École Normale Supérieure.

FILLMORE, C. «Pragmatically controlled zero anaphora», Berkeley Linguistic Society.

FISHER, K. The Syntax and semantics of anaphora in Kmer, unpublished Master thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca.

GEISLER, C. ; KAUFER, D. S. & STEINBERG, E. R. «The unattended anaphoric 'This'. When should writers use it?», Written Communication 2-2: 129-155.

GUINDON, R. «Anaphora resolution: short-term memory and focusing», in Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'85).

HAIK, I. The syntax of operators, PhD, thesis, University of California.

HANNAY, M. «Inferrability, discourse-boundedness, and sub-topics», in A. M. Bolkestein, C. de Groot & J. L. Mackenzie (eds.), Syntax and pragmatics in functional grammar, Dordrecht: Foris.

HIER, D. B. ; HAGENLOCKER, K. & SHINDLER, A. G. «Language disintegration in dementia: effects of etiology and severity», Brain and Language 25-1 : 117-133.

HINTIKKA, J. & KULAS, J. Anaphora and definite descriptions: Two applications of game-theoritical semantics, Synthese Language Library 26, Dordrecht & Boston: Reidel; Hingham, MA.

HOBBS, J. «On the coherence and structure of discourse», Report No. CSLI-85-37, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University.

HOBBS, J. & AGAR, M. «The coherence of incoherent discourse», Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 4-3/4: 213-232.

HONG, S. A and A' binding in Korean and English: government-binding parameters, Seoul & Korea: Hanshin.

INDIRA, V. «Pronominal anaphora in Telugu», CIEFL Working Papers in Linguistics, 2.1.

IWAKURA, K. «The binding theory and PRO», Linguistic Analysis 15-1: 29-55.

KAMEYAMA, M. Zero anaphora: The case of Japanese, Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University.

KING, J. C. A Formal semantics for some discourse anaphora, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, San Diego.

KUNO, S. «Anaphora in Japanese», unpublished manuscript, Harvard University.

LASNIK, H. «Illicit NP movement: locality conditions on chains?», Linguistic Inquiry 16: 481-490. [Reprinted with minor revisions in H. Lasnik (1989), Essays on Anaphora].

LASNIK, H. & CRAIN, S. «On the acquisition of pronominal reference», Lingua 65: 135-154.

LEBEAUX, D. «Locality and anaphoric binding», The Linguistic Review 4: 343-63.

LI, M.-D. Reduction and anaphoric  relations in Chinese, PhD, thesis, University of California.

LONGOBARDI, G. «Connectedness, scope and C-command», Linguistic Inquiry 16: 163-192.

LUST, B.; WAKAYAMA, T.; SNYDER, W.; OTANI, K. & OSHIMA, S. «Configurational factors in Japanese anaphora: evidence from acquisition», paper presented at LSA Winter 1985 meeting.

McKEOWN, K. R. Text generation: using discourse strategies and focus constraints to generate natural language text, Cambridge: University Press.

MILNER, J.-C. «Coréférences et anaphores», in Ordres et raisons de langue, Paris: Seuil.

MILNER, J.-C. «Anaphore ominale et pronominale», in Ordres et raisons de langue, Paris: Seuil.

MOHANAN, K. P. «Remarks on control and control theory», Linguistic Inquiry 16: 637-648.

MOLENDIJK, A. «Point référentiel et imparfait», Langue française 67: 78-94.

MONTALBETTI, M. & WEXLER, K. «Binding in linking», Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 4: 228-245.

MURPHY, G. L. «Process of understanding anaphora», Journal of Memory and Language 24: 290-303.

ORLANDINI, A. «Hic et iste chez Plaute : une analyse sémantico-pragmatique», in G. Calboli (ed.), Proceedings of the Third Latin Linguistics Colloquium, Bologne, April 1985, Amsterdam &Philadelphia: Benjamins.

PADILLA, R. On the definition of binding domains in the first language acquisition of anaphora in Spanish. The modular role of binding principles and lexical factors, Ph. D. Cornell University.

RANDALL, J. H. 'Retreat routes', coreference on language development: symposium on universal grammar, unpublished manuscript, Boston University.

ROBERTS, C. «On the assignment of indices and their interpretation in binding theory», in St. Berman, J.-W. Choe & J. McDonough (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 15 (1985), Amherst, MA: GSLA, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

ROOTH, M. Association with focus, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.

SAFIR, K. Syntactic chains, Cambridge: University Press.

TAKAMI, K. «Anaphora in Japanese: some semantic and \pragmatic considerations», Journal of Pragmatics 11: 169-191.

TASMOWSKI-de RYCK, L. & VERLUYTEN, S. P. «Control mechanism of anaphora», Journal of Semantics 4: 341-370.

VAINIKKA, A. «Binding-nsa», unpublished manuscript, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.

VALENTIN, P. «How does anaphor work?», in U. Pieper & G. Stickel (eds.), Studia linguistica diachronica et sychronica, Werner sexagenario anno, Berlin; New York & Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter.

VET, C. «Univers de discours et univers d'énonciation: les temps du passé et du futur», Langue française 67: 38-58.

VIKNER, S. «Parameters of binder and binding category in Danish», Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 23: 1-58.

WEXLER, K. & CHIEN, Y.-C. «The development of lexical anaphors and pronouns», in Papers and Reports on Child Language Development 24, Stanford University.

WIERZBICKA, A. Lexicography and conceptual analysis, Ann Arbor: Karoma.

Last modified: 10/21/2010

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