Inference 2003
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BONNEFON, J.-F. Psychologie du raisonnement défaisable: effets de suppression et propriétés de l'inférence non monotone, thèse de Doctorat, Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail.

CHEBAT, J.C. ; GELINAS-CHEBAT, C. & DORAIS, S. «Missing informatio can be more persuasive», Psychological Reports 92-3 Pt 2 : 1043-1052.

DE NEYS, W. ; SCHAEKEN, W. & D' YDEWALLE, G. «Inference suppresion and semantic memory retrieval: every counterexample counts», Memory and Cognition 31-4 : 581-595.

DEAK, G. O. & NARASIMHAM, G. «Is perseveration caused by inhibition failure? Evidence from a preschool children's inferences about word meanings», Journal of Experimental Psychology : Learning, memory, and Cognition  86-3 : 194-222.

FRETHEIM, T. ; BOATENG, S. & VASKÓ, I. «Then -adverbial proform or inference particle? A comparative study of English, Ewe, Hungarian and Norwegian», in K. M. Jaszczolt & K. Turner (eds.), Meaning through language contrast, Amsterdam : Benjamins. 

GEURTS, B. «Reasoning with quantifiers», Cognition 86-3 : 223-251.

HOBBS, J. R. «The framework : interpretation as abduction», Chapter 3 in Discourse and Inference.

JOHNSON-LAIRD, P. N. & HASSON, U. «Counterexamples in sentential reasoning», Memory and Cognition 31-7 : 1105-1113.

KAWAGUCHI, Y. «Conversational inferences :tThe hard way and the easy way», Papers from the 2003 SIGdial Worshop.

KAYSER, D. «Abstraction and natural language semantics», Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 358-1435 : 1261-1268.

LACHAUD, C. Contribution à l'étude de trois marqueurs d'inférence en russe contemporain, thèse de Doctorat, Université Paris Diderot - Paris VII.

PANTER, K.-U. & THORNBURG, L. L. (eds.), Metonymy and pragmatic inferencing, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. A VOIR

RECANATI, F. Embedded implicatures, Internet resources, Database : OAlster.

REGIER, T. «Emergent constraints on word-learning : a computational perspective», Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7-6 : 263-268.

WOLFF, P. & SONG, G. «Models of causation and the semantics of causal verbs», Cognitive Psychology  47-3 : 276-332.

Last modified: 1011/2010

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