Inference 1990
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ACKERMAN, B. P. ; SILVER, D. & GLICKMAN, I. «Concept availability in the causal inferences of children and adults», Child Development 61-4 : 230-246.

ANSCOMBRE, J.-C. «Les syllogismes en langue naturelle. Déduction logique ou inférence discursive?», in J. Moeschler (ed.) Marquage linguistique...

BARWISE, J. & ETCHEMENDY, J. «Information, infons, and inference», in Situations Theory and its Applications, I, CSLI Lectute notes 22, CSLI Stanford.

BEAL, C. R. «Development of knowledge about the role of inference in text comprehension», Child Development 61-4 : 1011-1923.

BEL, B. Inférence de langages réguliers, Internet resource, HAL – CCDS.

van den BROEK, P. «The causal inference maker : towards a process model of inference generation in text comprehension», in D. A. Balota, G. B. Flores D'Arcais & K. Rayner (eds.), Comprehension processes in reading, Hillsdale, N. J. : Erlbaum.

COSTE, C. «Inférence, interférence et quelques autres manques d'assurance dans les évolutions de la didactique des langues», in J. Moeschler (ed.) Marquage linguistique...

CRAVO, M. R. & MARTINS, J. P. «Path-based inference revisited», in D. Kumar (ed.), Current trends in SNePS- semantic network processing system : proceedings of the first annual SNePS workshop, Buffalo, NY : Spring-Verlag.

EVANS, R. & GAZDAR, G. «Inference in DATR», in Fourth conference of the European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 66-71.

GAZDAR, G. «An introduction to DATR», in R. Evans & G. Gazdar, The DATR Papers, Brighton : University of Sussex, Cognitive Science Research Paper CSRP 139 : 1-14.

GAZDAR, G. «Ceteris paribus», unpublished manuscript, Brighton : University of Sussex.

GILES, C. L. ; SUN, G. Z. ; CHEN, H. H. ; LEE, Y. C. & CHEN, D. «Higher Order Recurrent Networks and Grammatical Inference», in Advances in Neural Information Processing systems 2, San Mateo : Kaufmann.

KLEIBER, G. «Marqueurs référentiels et processus interprétatifs; pour une approche "plus sémantique"», Cahiers de Linguistique Française 11.

KUMAR, D. «An integrated model of acting and inference», in D. Kumar (ed.), Current trends in SNePS- Semantic Network Processing System. Proceedings of the First Annual SNePS Workshop, Buffalo, NY : Spring-Verlag.

LENAT, D. & GUHA, R. V. Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems : Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project, Reading, MA : Addison-Wesley.

LUCAS, M.M.; TANENHAUS, M. K. & CARLSON, G. N. «Levels of representation in the interpretation of anaphoric reference and instrument inference», Memory and Cognition 18-6 : 611-31.

MANKTELOW, K. I. Inference and Understanding : A Philosophical and Psychological Perspective, New York : Routledge.

McKELLIN, W. H. «Allegory and Inference : Intentional Ambiguity in Managalase Negotiations», in K.-A. Watson-Gegeo, M. White (eds.), Disentangling : conflict discourse in Pacific societies, Stanford : University Press.

MELTZOFF, A. N. «Towards a developmental cognitive science. The implications of cross-modal matching and imitation for the development of representation and memory in infancy», Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 608 : 1-31; discussion 31-37.

MICLET, L. «Grammatical Inference», in H. Bunke & A. Sanfeliu (eds.), Syntactics and structural pattern recognition : theory and applications, New Jersey : World Scientific.

J. MOESCHLER (ed.), Marquage linguistique, inférence et interprétation dans le discours. Actes du 4e colloque de pragmatique de Genève 16-18 Octobre 1989, Genève: Unité de linguistique française, Faculté des lettres, Université de Genève.

NAKASHIMA, H. «Inference about stituations», Journal of Japanese Society of AI 5 (5), 588-594.

PALMER, M. S. Semantic processing for finite domains, Cambridge : University Press.

PARK, K. & HUNTSBERGER, T. L. «Inference of context free grammars for syntactic analysis of DNA sequences», in Proceedings of the 1990 AAAI spring symposium on artificial intelligence and molecular biology.

PETERSON, C. «The who, when and where of early narratives», Journal of Child Language 17-2 : 433-455.

POLITZER, G. «Characterizing spontaneous inferences», Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 : 177-178.

SANFORD, A. «On the nature of text-driven inference», in D. Balota, G. B. Flores d'Arcais & K. Rayner (eds.), Comprehension process in reading, Hillsdale, NJ : Erlbaum.

VONK, W. & NOORDMAN, L. «On the control of inference in text understanding», in D. Balota, G. B. Flores d'Arcais & K. Rayner (eds.), Comprehension process in reading, Hillsdale, NJ : Erlbaum.

WHITE, G. M. «Emotion talk and social inference : Disentagling in Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands», in K. A. Watson-Gegeo & G. M. White (eds.), Disentagling  : conflict discourse in Pacific societies, Stanford : University Press.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: