Inference 1987
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van BENTHEM, J. «Meaning : interpretation and inference», Synthèse 73-3 : 451-470.

BINFORD, T. O. ;  LEVITT, T. S. & MANN, W. B.  Bayesian inference in model-based machine vision, unpublished note, Computer Science, Stanford University.

CHAN, C. M. «Forward path-based inference in SNePS», SNeRG Technical Note 17, Department of Computer Science, University at Buffalo.

EVANS, N. «Code, inference, placedness and grammatically constrained ellipsis», paper presented at the Wenner-Gren foundation conference, Ochos Rios.

GIBBS, R. W. «Mutual knowledge and the phychology of conversational inference», Journal of Pragmatics 11 : 561-588.

HOBBS, J. R. Implicature and definite reference, Ft. Belvoir Defense : Defense Technical Information Center.

LADUSAW, W. A. «Inference Patterns from infinitival complements», in M. Crowhurst (ed.), Papers from the sixth West Coast conference on formal linguistics, Stanford : Stanford Linguistics Association.

LEATHER, J. «FO pattern inference in the perceptual acquisition of second language tone», in A. James é J. Leather (eds.), Sound patterns in second language acquisition, Dordrecht : Foris.

LePORE, E. & LOEWER, B. «Dual aspect semantics», in E. LePore (ed.), New directions in semantics, London : Academic Press.

LEVINSON, S. «Minimization and coonversational inference», in J. Verschueren & M. Bertucelli-Papi (eds.), The pragmatic perspective, Amsterdam : Benjamins.

NORVIG, P. A unified theory of inference for text understanding, Technical Report CSD-87-339, Berkeley : Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley.

PETTIT, P. «Inference and information», Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 : 177-78.

SMITH, C. S. «The information needed for inference», Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 : 733-734.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

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