Inference 1985
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BLUM, L. & BLUM, M. «Towards a mathematical theory of inductive inference», Information and Control  28 : 125-155.

CHURMA, D. G. Arguments from external evidence in phonology,  New York : Garland Pub.

CLARK, L. F. «Social knowledge and inference processing in text comprehension», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

DAVEY, B. & MACREADY, «Prerequisite relations among inference tasks for goods and poor readers», Journal of Educational Psychology 77 : 539-552.

ELLIS WEISMER, S. «Constructive comprehension abilities exhibited by language-disordered children», Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 28-2 : 175-184.

ENKVIST, N. E. «Coherence and Inference» in Piper (ed.), Studia linguistica diachronica et synchronica, Berlin & New York : de Gruyter.

GARROD, S. C. «Incremental pragmatic interpretation versus occasional inferencing during fluent reading», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

GRAESSER, A. C. & CLARK, L. F. «The Generation of Knowledge - Based Inferences during Narrative Comprehension», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

HRON, A. ; KURBJUHN, I. ; MANDL, H. & SCHNOTZ, W. «Structural inferences in reading and listening», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

KAVANAGH SMITH, M. Knowledge-based contextual reference resolution for text understanding, Austin : Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin.

MANN, W. C. & THOMPSON, S. A. Assertion from discourse structure, Marina del Rey : University of Southern California.

MÜSSELER, J. ; RICKHEIT, G. & STROHNER, H. «Influences on modality, text difficulty, and processing control on influences in text processing», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

NEAL, J. G. & SHAPIRO, S. C. «Parsing as a form of inference in a multiprocessing environment», in Proceedings of the conference on intelligent systems and machines, Rochester, MI.

PALMER, H. Presupposition and transcendental inference, New York : St Martin's.

RICKHEIT, G.; SCHNOTZ, W. & STROHNER, H. «The concept of inference in discourse comprehension», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

RICKHEIT, G.; SCHNOTZ, W. & STROHNER, H. (eds.), Inferences in text processing, (Advances in Psychology 29), Amsterdam, New York : North-Holland; New York, N. Y. :  Elsevier Science Pub.

SAKAHARA, S. «Le pseudo-usage et l'inférence pragmatique», Semantikos 9-2 : 61-79.

SAKAHARA, S. Nichijo-gengo-no Suiron (L'inférence  dans le langage ordinaire), Tokyo : University Press.

SARACHAN-DEILY, A. B. «Written narratives of deaf and hearing students: story recall and inference», Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 28-1 : 151-159.

SANFORD, A. J. «Aspects of pronoun interpretation: evaluation of search formulations of inference», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

SPOLKSY, E. «Toward cognitively responsible theory of inference : or, what can synapses tell us about ambiguity», Theoretical Linguistics 12-1 : 197-204.

THÜRING, M. ; GROSSMANN, I. & WENDER, K. F. «Causal and temporal inferences and their effects on memory for discourse», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

VONK, W. «The immediacy of inferences in the understanding of pronouns», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

WAGENER, M. & WENDER, K. F. «Spatial representations and inference processes in memory for text», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

WILSON, D. & SPERBER, D. «Inference and implicature», in C. Travis (ed.), Meaning and interpretation, Oxford : Blackwell.

ZIMMER, H. D. & ENGELKAMP, J. «Modality-specific representations systems and inference: task - dependent activation processes in the motor memory», in G. Rickheit, W. Schnotz & H. Strohner (eds.), Inferences in text processing...

Last modified: 10/11/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: