Inference 1980
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ANGLUIN, D. «Inductive inference of formal languages from positive data», Information and Control 45-2.

BERRY-ROGGHE, G. & ZIFONUN, G. «Informationem-Gewinnen und Schlussfolgern mit heuristischen Hinweisen», in C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

COLLINS, A. BROWN, J. S. & LARKIN, K. M. «Inference in text understanding», in R. J. Spiro, B. C. Bruce, W. F. Brewer (eds), Theoritical issues in reading comprehension : perspectives from cognitive psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, and education, Hillsdale, NJ : Erlbaum.

DILGER, W. & PERSCH, G. «Inferieren auf grossen Datenmengen mit Hilfe von Komplexen Klauseln», in  C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

ESMAN, A. H. «On evidence and inference, or the babel of tongues», The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 48-4 : 628-630.

FAUSER, A. «Inferenz und Kohaerenz in KIPUS», in  C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

GRANGER, R. H. «When expectation fails : towards a self-correcting inference system», AAAI-80 : 301-305.

GUMPERZ, J. J. & KALTMAN, H. Prosody, linguistic diffusion and conversational inference , Berkeley Linguistic Society, vol. 6, Berkeley, CA.

GUST, H. «Valuating transformations and inferences», Berlin, Fachbereich Informatik Bericht Nr. 80-86.

HABEL, C. «Referenzen - Inferenzen», in  C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

HINNEBUSCH, T. & KIRSNER, R. S. «On the inference on 'inalienable possession' in Swahili», Journal of African Linguistics 2-1 : 1-16.

HOEPPNER, W. «Repräsentationsstrukturen und Inferenzen für zusammengesetzte Objekte», in  C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

HUTCHINS, E. Culture and inference: a trobriand case study, Cambridge : University Press.

JANAS, J. C. «Maximal infirmative negative Antworten auf Datenbankanfragen», in  C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

KIRSNER, R. S. & HINNEBUSCH, T. J. «On the inference of 'inalienable possession' Swahili», Journal of African languages and linguistics 2 : 1-16.

KIRSNER, R. S. «Meaning, message, inference and the problem of units in linguistics», Quadreni di semantica : Revista internazionale de semantica teorica e appliacata 1 : 307-317.

LAUBSCH, J. H.  «Zur Inferenz in semantischen Netzen», in C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

LOCKE, J. «The inference of speech perception in the phonologically disordered child (Parts I and II)», The Journal of Speech and  Hearing Disorders 45 : 431-468.

McDERMOTT, D. «A theory of metric spatial inference», in Proceedings, First annual national conference on artificial intelligence (American Association for Artificial Intelligence).

ROLLINGER, C.-R. «Readtime - Inferenzen für semantische Netze», in  C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

ROLLINGER, C.-R. & SCHNEIDER, H.-J. (eds.), Inferenz in natürlichsprachlichen Systemen, Berlin : Einhorn-Verlag.

SCHEFE, P. «Arten von Wissen und Inferenenzen in natürlichsprachlichen Systemen», in  C.-R. Rollinger & H.-J. Schneider (eds.), Inferenz...

SHAPIRO, S. C. & McKAY, D. P. «Inference with recursive rules», in Proceedings of the first annual national conference on artificial intelligence, Los Altos, CA : Morgan Kaufmann.

SINGER, M. «The role of case - filling inferences in the coherence of brief passages», Discourse Processes 3: 185, 201.

TENNANT, N. «Causal models and logical inference», British Journal of Psychiatry 137 : 579-582.

YAGER, R. R. «An approach to inference in approximate reasoning», Int. Man-Machine Studies 13 : 323-338.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: