Deixis 2007
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BANG, J. Chr. & DOOR, J. Language, ecology, and society : a dialectical approach, London & New York : Continuum.

CHUNG, K.-S. «Spatial deictic tense and evidentials in Korean», Natural Language Semantics 15-3 : 187-219.

CLEARY-KEMP, J. «Universal uses of demonstratives : evidence from four Malayo-Polynesian languages», Oceanic Linguistics 46-2 : 325—347.

HOSTETTER, A. ; ALIBALI, M. & KITA, S. «I see it in my hand’s eye : representational gestures reflect conceptual demands», Language and Cognitive Processes 22-3 : 313-336.

LE LAN, B. Les marqueurs de structuration de la conversation en anglais spontané contemporain : le cas de well et you know, Doctorat de Nouveau Régime, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne.

MELINGER, A. & KITA, S. «Conceptualization load triggers gestures production», Language and Cognitive Process 22-4 : 473-500.

OH, S.-Y. «Overt reference to speaker and recipient in Korean», Discourse Studies 9-4 : 462-492.

ROCHET-CAPELLAN, A. De la substance à la forme : rôle des contraintes motrices orofaciales et brachiomanuelles de la parole dans l’émergence du langage, Institut national polytechnique, Grenoble.

VOCOID : VOcalisation, COmmunication, Imitation and Deixis in infant and adult human and non-human primates : May 14-16, 2007, Grenoble, Université Stendhal, Grenoble.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hèléne Perdicoyianni-Palèologou, E-Mail: