Communication 1981
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BACHMANN, C. ; LINDENFELD, J. & SIMONIN, J. Langage et communications sociales, Paris : Hatier ; [Fontenay-Saint-Cloud : CREDIF].

BELLENGER, L. L’expression orale : une approche nouvelle de la parole expressive, Paris : ESF, Entreprise moderne d’Édition : Librairies techniques.

BORMANN, E. G. & BORMANN, N. C. Speech communication : a basic approach, 3rd ed., New York : Harper & Row.

BRADLEY, B. E. Fundamentals of speech communication : the credibility of ideas, 3rd  ed., Dubuque : W.C. Brown.

BROOKS, W. D. Speech communication, 4th ed., Dubuque : W.C. Brown Co.

CAPP, G. R. ; CAPP, G. R. & CAPP, C. C. Basic oral communication, 3rd ed., Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall.

COULMAS, F. (ed.) Conversation route : exploration in standardized communication and prepatterned speech, New York : Rawson, wade Publishers.

FORREST, M. & OLSON, M. A. Exploring speech communication : an introduction, St. Paul : West Pub. Co.

GEISSNER, H. Sprechwissenschaft : Theorie der Mündlichen Kommunikation, Königstein/Ts M Scriptor.

GOFFMAN, E. Forms of talk, Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press.

GUTENBERG, N. Formen des Sprechens : Gegenstandskonstitution und Methodologie von Gesprächs- und Redetypologie in Sprach- und Sprechwissenschaft, Göttingen : Kümmerle.

HARTLING, W. & SCHÖNFELD, H. Kommunikation und Sprachvariation, Berlin : Akademie-Verlag.

JABUSCH, D. M. & LITTLEJOHN, S. W. Elements of speech communication : achieving competency, Boston : Houghton Mifflin.

ROLOFF, M. E. Interpersonal communication : the social exchange approach, Hills : Sage Publications.

SADLER, R. K. & TUCKER, K. Common ground : a course in communication, S. Melbourne : Macmillan.

SALOMON, G. Communication and education : social and psychological interactions, Beverly Hills : Sage Publications.

SCOLLON, R. & SCOLLON, B. K.Narrative, literacy, and face in interethnic communication, Norwood : Ablex Pub. Corp.

SPROULE, J. M. Communication today, Glenview : Scott, Foresman.

TUCKER, R. K. ; WEAVER, R. II & BERRYMAN-FINK, C. Research in speech communication, Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall.

ZAMMUNER, V. L. Speech production : strategies in discourse planning : a theoretical and empirical enquiry, Hamburg : Buske.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

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