Communication 1974
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BAYER, K. Sprechen und Situation : methodologische Vorüberlegungen zu einer Theorie der sprachlichen Interaktion mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Situationsbegriffs, West Germany : [s.n.].

BRADLEY, B. E. Fundamentals of speech communication: the credibility of ideas, Dubuque : W. C. Brown Co.

BROOKS, W. D. Speech communication, Dubuque : W. C. Brown.

CAPPS, R. & O’CONNOR, J. R. (eds) Fundamentals of effective speech communication, Minneapolis : Burgess Pub. Co.

CASMIR, F. L. Interaction; an introduction to speech communication, Columbus : Merrill.

MARTENS, K. Sprachliche Kommunikation in der Familie, Kronberg Ts. : Scriptor Verlag.

MONROE, A. H. & EHNIGER, D. (eds) Principles and types of speech communication, 7th ed., Glenview : Scott, Foresman.

ROSS, R. S. Speech communication; fundamentals and practice, 3rd ed., Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall.

WISEMAN, G. & BARKER, L. Speech--interpersonal communication, 2nd ed., New York :  Chandler Pub. Co.

Last modified: 10/11/2010

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