Argumentation 1999
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ADAMZIK K. & PIETH, C. «Rhetorik der wissenschaftlichen Kommunication im Sprachvergleich: Am beispiel von vorwörtern zu Literaturgeschichten», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

ALEXANDRE, M. Rhetorical argumentation in Philo of Alexandria, with a foreword by Burton L. Mack, Atlanta : Scholar press.

ANDERSON, L. «The co-construction of competence in oral examinations», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

ANDRIESSEN, J. & COIRIER, P. Foundations of argumentative text processing, Amsterdam : University Press.

BAYER, K. Argument und Argumentation : logische Grundlagen der Argumentationsanalyse, Opladen : Westdeutscher verlag.

BAZZANELLA, C. «Metaphor in classroom interaction», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

BOBLET-VIART, M.-H. «Questions de paroles : le roman dialogué en France depuis 1960», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

BOISSINOT, A. Argumentation et literature dans l’enseignement du français : vers une nouvelle rhétorique, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Paris VIII.

BONFANTINI, M. A. ; PETRILLE, S. & PONZIO, A. «The dialogue of lying and truth: rhetoric versus argumentation», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

CIGADA, S. «L’oratio grammatica et son ‘extension’ rhétorique : Priscien et Roger Bacon», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

CMEJRKOVA, S. «Rhetoric, argumentation and advertisment», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

CONLIN, M. L. Patterns plus : a short prose reader with argumentation, 6th ed., Boston : Houghton Mifflin.

DANESCH, F. «Extra-logical factors in argumentation», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

DOURY, M. «Les procédés de crédibilisation des témoignages comme indices des normes argumentatives des locuteurs», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

EMMEL, B. A. «The enthymeme and argument», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

FETERIS, E. T. Fundamentals of legal argumentation : a survey of theories on the justification of judicial decisions, Dordrecht & Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers.

GATTI, M. C. «Negative rhetorical figures and argumentation», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

GUERRINI, J.-C. L’argumentation au pluriel : polyphonie, valeurs, points de vue, Lyon : Presses universitaires de Lyon.

HULMI, S. Paulus und Mose : Argumentation und Polemik in 2 Kor 3, Helsinski : Finnische Exegetische Gesselschaft ; Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

IONESCU-RUXANDOIU, L. «Argumentation as a strategy in face-to-face interaction», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

ISAKSSON-WIKBERG, M. Negotiated and committed argumentation : a cross-cultural study of american and finland-swedish student writing, Abo : Abo Akademi University Press.

DE JONG, H. L. Specific language impairment in Dutsch : inflectional morphology and argument structure, Groningen : Rijsunniversiteit Groningen.

KALLMEYER, W. «Others’ inserts in an ongoing turn : some sequential, grammatical and rhetoric observations», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

LO CASTRO, V. «Narration in argumentation: a rhetorical strategy», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

LUCAITES, J. L. ; CONDIT, C. M. & CAUDILL, S. Contemporary rhetorical theory : a reader, New York : Guiford Press.

MAIER, R. «Types of debate», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

PIATTELLI-PALMARI, M. L’art de persuader, trad. de l’italien par Jacqueline Henry, Paris : Ed. Jacob.

PIRAZZINI, D. «Rhetorische Fragen in gegenargumentativen kontexten», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

PLATIN, C. (éd.) La argumentación, Puebla : Universidad autónoma de Puebla.

PLATIN, C. «La construction rhétorique des émotions», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

PORTER, S. E. & STAMPS, D. L. (eds.) The rhetorical interpretation of Scripture : essays from the 1996 Malibu Conference, Sheffield, Eng. : Sheffield Academic Press.

RIGOTTI, E. (ed.) Rhetoric and argumentation : proceedings of the international conference, Lugano, April 22-23, 1997, USI, Facolta di scienze della communicazione, in collaboration with S. Cigada, Tübingen : Niemeyer.

RIGOTTI, E. «The enthymeme as a rhetorical device and as a textual process», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

SCHNITZER, N. Le jeu de l’argumentation en allemand et en français, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Paris-Sorbonne.

SIMONET, R & SIMONET, J. Savoir argumenter: du dialogue au débat, Paris : Edition d’Organisation.

WEIGAND, E. «Rhetoric and argumentation in a dialogue perspective», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...

YANOSHEVSKY, G. «An anti-Cartesian dream? a critique of rationalism in surrealism’s First Manifesto», in E. Rigotti  (ed.), Rhetoric and argumentation...


Last modified: 10/21/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: