Anaphora 1992
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AL-HAQ, F.A-A. «Functional or anaphoric control in Jordanian Arabic?», Language Sciences 14-1: 1-28.

AL-KAHTANY, A. H. Anaphoric relations in Arabic and English spoken narratives, Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University.

APOTHÉLOZ, D. Matériaux pour une pragmatique des opérations anaphoriques, unpublished manuscript.

BADER, F. «Formes, fonctions, étymologies pronominales», in M.-A. Morel & L. Danon-Boileau (éds.), La déixis, Colloque de Sorbonne, 8-9 Juin 1990, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

BENEDICTO, E. «Latin long-distance anaphora», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

BERRENDONNER, A.; FREDI, M.; OQUENDO, F. & ROUAULT, J. «Un système inférentiel orienté objet pour des applications en langue naturelle», in Actes de COLING-92 (Nantes, 23-28 août 1992).

BERRENDONNER, A. «Anaphore associative», unpublished manuscript.

BERRENDONNER, A. «Éléments pour une formalisation de l'anaphore associative», Actes du colloque Lesniewski, Grenoble 8-10 octobre.

BIANCO, M. La compréhension des anaphores lors de la lecture chez les enfants de 8 à 11 ans, Thèse pour le Doctorat en Psychologie, Université P. Mendès France, Grenoble.

BIBER, D. «Using computer-based text corpora to analyze the referential strategies of spoken and written texts», in J. Svartvik (ed.), Directions in corpus linguistics. Proceedings novel symposium 82 on corpus linguistics Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991.

BRANQUINHO, J. Direct reference. Cognitive significance and fregean sense, Ph.D. Dissertation, Oxford: University of Oxford.

BROWNELL, H. H. ; CARROLL, J. J. ; REHAK, A. & WINGFIELD, A. «The use of pronoun anaphora and speaker mood in the interpretation of conversational utterances by right hemisphere brain-damaged patients», Brain and Language 43-1 : 121-147.

CARPENTER, R. The logic of typed feature structures, Cambridge: University Press.

CARREIRAS, M. & GERNSBACHER, M. A. «Comprehending conceptual anaphora in Spanish», Language and Cognitive Processes 7-3/4 : 281-299.

CHAROLLES, M. «La veuve et l'orphélin ou: comment les îlots anaphoriques refont surface», in J.-E. Tyvaert (éd.), Lexique et inférence(s)...

CHIERCHIA, G. «Anaphora and dynamic binding», Linguistics and Philosophy 15: 111-184.

CHRISTOL, A. «Ipse: 'Articloïde' ou article dans la Peregrinatio? », LALIES, Actes des sessions de linguistique et de littérature (Aussois, 31 août-5 septembre 1992) 13: 143-153.

CLIBBENS, J. Comprehension and production of discourse anaphora : A developmental study, Bloomington : Indiana University Press.

CORNISH, F. «So be It : the discourse-semantic roles of So and It», Journal of Semantics 9-2, pp. 163-178.

CORNISH, F. «So and It : complementary distribution, or complementary anaphoric functions?», in Proceedings of the 5th meeting of the International Symposium on The Description and/or Comparison of English and Greek, 27-29 March 1991, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

DANJOU-FLAUX, N. «Le SN le fils d'un paysan: référence définie ou indéfinie ?», Le français moderne 60: 22-45.

DEBRUYN, J. L'opposition Ce+N-ci / Ce+N-là: un double fonctionnement, Antwerp papers in linguistics 68.

van DEEMTER, K. «Towards a generalization of anaphora», Journal of Semantics 9: 27-51.

DESCOMBES-DENERVAUD, M. & JESPERSEN, J. «L'anaphore conceptuelle dans l'argumentation écrite», Pratiques 73: 79-95.

ENGELKAMP, J.; ERBACH, G. & USZKOREIT, H. «Handling linear precedence constraints by unification», in Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

EVERAERT, M. «Contextual determination of the anaphor/pronominal distinction», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

FONTANA, J. M. & MOORE, J. «VP-internal subjects and Se-reflexivisation in Spanish», Linguistic Inquiry 23: 501-510.

FRANKS, S. & HORNSTEIN, N. «Secondary predication in Russian and proper government of PRO», in K. Larson; J. Higginbotham; S. Iatridou & U. Lahiri (eds.), Control and Grammar...

FREIDIN, R. Foundations of generative syntax, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press [chapters 7 & 8].

GALLINI, J. K. & SPIRES, H. A. «The influence of anaphoric relations and departures from story grammar structure on text processing», Reading Psychology 13-2 : 107-130.

GARNHAM, A. & OAKHILL, J. «Discourse processing and text representation from a ‘mental models’ perspective», Language and Cognitive Processes 7-3/4 : 193-204.

GARNHAM, A.; OAKHILL, J. & GRUTTENDEN, H. «The role of implicit causality and gender cue in the interpretation of pronouns», Language and Cognitive Processes 7-3/4: 213-255.

GASS, S. M. & SELINKER, L. Language transfer in language learning, Amsterdam & Philadelphia : Benjamins.

GELUYKENS, R. From discourse process to grammatical construction: on left-dislocation in English, Amsterdam: Benjamins.

GIVÓN, T. «The grammar of referential coherence as mental processing instructions», Linguistics 30-1: 5-55.

GLABSEY, S. R. «Distinguishing between events and times: some evidence from the semantics of then», Natural Language Semantic 1992-1993:285-312.

GLENBERG, A. M. & KRULEY, P. «Picture and anaphora: evidence for independence processes», Memory and Cognition 20-5: 461-471.

GLOSSER, G. & DESER, T. «A comparison of changes in macrolinguistics and microlinguistics  aspects of discourse production in normal aging», Journal of Gerontology 47-4 : 266-272.

GREENE, S.; McKOON, G. & RATCLIFF, R. «Pronoun resolution and discourse models», Journal of Experimental Psycholoy: Learning, Memory and Cognition 18: 266-283.

GURTU, M. Anaphoric relations in Hindi and English, New Delphi: Munshiran Manoharlal Publishers.

HALE, K. «Subject obviation, switch reference, and control», in K. Larson, J. Higginbotham, S. Iatridou & U. Lahiri (eds.), Control and grammar...

HELLAN, L. «Containment and connectedness anaphors», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.) Long-distance anaphora...

HESTVIK, A. «Strict reflexives and the subordination effect», in S. Berman & A. Hestvik (eds.), Proceedings of the Stuttgart Workshop on Ellipsis, no 29 in Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340, University of Stuttgart.

HIGGINBOTHAM, J. «Reference and control», in K. Larson, J.

van HOEK, K. A. Paths Through Conceptual Structure: Constraints on Pronominal Anaphora, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, San Diego.

HUANG, C-T. J. «Complex Predicates in Control», in K. Larson; J. Gigginbotham; S. Iatridou & U. Lahir (eds), Control and Grammar...

HUANG, C.-T. J. & TANG, C.-C. J.
«The local nature of the long-distance reflexive in Chinese», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

JACKENDOFF, R. «Mme Tussaud meets the binding theory», Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 10-1: 1-31.

JANSSEN, A. J. M. «Controle: een onbeheersbaar onderwerp in de Regeer-en-Bindtheorie» [Control: An uncontrollable subject/issue in the theory of Government and Binding], Spektator 21: 327-344.

JOSEPH, B. «Diachronic perspectives on control», in K. Larson, J. Higginbotham, S. Iatridou & U. Lahiri (eds.), Control and grammar...

KAIL, M. & HICKMANN, M. «French childern's ability to introduce referents in narratives as a function of mutual knowledge», First Language 12: 73-94.

KIM, K.-H. WH-clefts and left dislocation in English conversaton with reference to topicality in Korean, Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.

KISS, K. E. «The primacy condition of anaphora and pronominal variable binding», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

KLEIBER, G. «Anaphore associative et inférences», in J.-E. Tyvaert (éds.), Lexique et inférence(s)...

KLEIBER, G. «Anaphore-déixis: deux approches concurrentes», in M.-A. Morel & L. Danon-Boileau (éds.), La déixis, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

KLEIBER, G. «CELUI-CI / CELUI-LA: un marqueur référentiel hybride», in W. De Mulder, F. Schuerewegen et L. Tasmowski-de Ryck (éds.), Énonciation et parti-pris (Actes du Colloque d'Anvers, 5-7 février 1990), Amsterdam: Rodopi.

KLEIBER, G. «Entre anaphore et cataphore ou Existe-t-il des ana-cataphores Un écho au débat entre A. Henry et M. Kesik?», Travaux de linguistique 24: 35-49.

KLEIBER, G. «Entre anaphore et cataphore ou Existe-t-il des ana-cataphores? Un écho au débat entre A. Henry et M. Kesik», Travaux de Linguistique 24: 89-9.

KLEIBER, G. «Mais qui est donc sur l'étagère de gauche ? ou Faut-il multiplier les référents ?», Travaux de linguistique et de philologie 30: 107-124.

KLEIBER, G. «Cap sur les topiques avec le pronom il », L'information grammaticale 54: 15-25.

KLEIBER, G. «Article défini, unicité et pertinence», Revue Romane 27-1: 61-89.

KOKTOVA, E. «On new constraints on anaphora and control», in Theoritical Linguistics 8-2: 163-201.

KOSTER, J. & REULAND, E. (eds.) Long-distance anaphora, Cambridge: University Press.

KOSTER, J. & REULAND, E. (eds.) «Long-distance anaphora: an overview», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

LARSON K.; HIGGINBOTHAM, J.; IATRIDOU, S. & LAHIRI, U. (eds.) Control and grammar, Dordrecht & Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

LASNIK, H. «Two notes on control and binding», in R. Larson, J. Higginbotham, S. Iatridou, U. Lahiri & (eds.), Control and grammar...

LUST, B. & EISELE, J. & MAZUKA, R. «The binding theory module: evidence from first language acquisition for principle C. language», June, 68-2: 333-358. De MULDER, W. Il y a sens et signification. Sur la sémantique et la pragmatique des définis et des démonstratifs, thèse de Doctorat, Université d'Anvers, Anvers.

De MULDER, W. Il y a sens et signification. Sur la sémantique et la pragmatique des définis et des démonstratifs, thèse de Doctorat, Université d'Anvers, Anvers.

NAKAIWA, H. & IKEHARA, S. «Zero pronoun resolution in a Japanese to English machine translation system using verbal semantic attributes», in 3rd Conference on Applied Narural Language Processing: ANLP-92.

OAKHILL, J.; GARBHAM, A.; GERNSBACHER, M. A. & GAIN, K. «How natural are conceptual anaphors?» Language and Cognitive Processes 7-3/4: 257-280.

POLLARD, C. & SAG, I. A. «Anaphors in English and the scope of binding theory», Linguistic Inquiry 23: 261-303.

PRINCE, E. «The ZPG letter: subjects, definiteness, and information-status», in S. Thomson & W. Mann (eds.), Discourse description: diverse analyses of a fund raising text, Philadelphia & Amsterdam: Benjamins.

PROGOVAC, L. «Relativized SUBJECT: long-distance reflexives without ,ovement», Linguistic Inquiry 23: 671-680.

PRÜST, H. On discourse structuring, VP anaphora and gapping, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Amsterdam.

REBOUL, A. La désignation des référents en mutation: différentes hypothèse, unpublished manuscript.

REINDERS-MACHOWSKA, E. «Binding in Polish», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

ROOTH, M. «A theory of focus interpretation», Natural Language Semantics 1: 75-116.

ROOTH, M. «Ellipsis redundancy and reduction redundancy», in S. Nerman & A. Hestvik (eds.), Proceedings of the Stuttgart Ellipsis Workshop.

SADLER, L. & ARNOLD, D. J. «A constraint-based approach to translating anaphoric dependencies», in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, vol. II, Nantes, France (Working Papers in Language Processing 29, Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex, October 1991).

SAFIR, K. «Implied non-conference and the pattern of anaphora», Linguistics and Philosophy 15: 1-52.

SALMON, N. «Reflections on reflexivity», Linguistics and Philosophy 15: 53-63.

van der SANDT, R. A. «Presupposition projection as anaphora resolution», Journal of Semantics 9: 333-377.

SCHIFFRIN, D. «Anaphoric then: aspectual, textual, and epistemic meaning», Linguistics 30: 753-792.

SCHNEDECKER, C. Référence et discours: chaîne de référence et redénomination (Essai sur l'emploi en seconde mention du nom propre), thèse de Doctorat, Université de Strasbourg II, Strasbourg.

SIGURJONSDOTTIR, S. Binding in Icelandic : evidence from language acquisition , PhD thesis, University of California.

van STEENBERGEN, M. «Long-distance binding in Finnish», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

THRAINSSON, H. «Long-distance reflexives and the typology of NPs», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

TOMAN, J. «Anaphors in binary trees: an analysis of Czech reflexives», in J. Koster & E. Reuland (eds.), Long-distance anaphora...

TUTIN, A. Etude des anaphores grammaticales et lexicales pour la génération automatique de textes de procédures, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Montréal.

TYVAERT, J.-C. (éd.) Lexique et inférence(s), VIIème colloque international de linguistique, Recherches Linguistiques, Paris: Klincksieck.

VET, C. «L'anaphore temporelle et l'opposition 'défini'/'indéfini'», in W. Banys, L. Benardczuck & K. Bogacki (eds.), Etudes de linguistique romane et slave, Cracovie, Ecole normale supérieure de Cracovie.

VOUTILAINEN, A.; HEIKKILA, J. & ANTILLA, A. A constraint grammar of English: a performance-oriented approach, Helsinki: University Press.

VON, W.; HUSTING, L.-G.-M. & SIMONS, W.-H.-G. «The use of referential expressions in structuring discourse», Language and Cognitive Processes 7: 301-333.

VONK, W. «The use of referential expressions in structuring discourse», Language and Cognitive Processes 7-3/4 : 301-333.

WEBBER, B. & BALDWIN, B. «Accommodating context change», in Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), University of Delaware, Newark DE.

WEXLER, K. «Some issues in the growth of control», in K. Larson; J. Higginbotham; S. Iatridou & U. Lahiri (eds.), Control and grammar...

WILLIAMS, E. «Adjunct control», in R. Larson, J. Higginbotham, S. Iatridou, U. Lahiri & (eds.), Control and grammar...

WU, Y. Anaphora and quantifier scope in Mandarin Chinese, xii, 401 leaves: ill.; 29 cm. Microfiche, Ann Arbor, Mi.: University Microfilms International.

YALWA, L. D. Distribution of pronouns and anaphora in Hausa, Ph.D thesis, University of California.

YOSHIMURA, N. Scrambling and anaphora in Japanese, Ph.D. dissertation, University of South California.

ZRIBI-HERTZ, A. «Grammaire et empathie: à propos du pronom français celui-ci» in L. Tasmowski & A. Zribi-Hertz (éds.) De la musique à la linguistique. Hommages à Nicolas Ruwet, Ghent: Communication & Cognition.

ZRIBI-HERTZ, A. «De la déixis à l'anaphore: quelques jalons», in M.-A. Morel & L. Danon-Boileau (éds.), La déixis, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Last modified: 10/21/2010

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