Anaphora 1990
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Acero, J. J. «Las ideas de Reichenbach acerca del tiempo verbal», in I. Bosque (ed.), Tiempo y Aspecto en Español, Madrid Cátedra.

AMRITAVALLI, R. «Anaphors as bound variables», Paper presented at the International Seminar on Anaphora Form and Function, University of Delhi, Delhi.

ANSCOMBRE, J. C. «Article zéro et structuration d'événements», in M. Charolles, S. Fisher & J. Jayez (éds.), Le discours. Représentations et interprétations, Nancy Presses Universitaires de Nancy.

APOTHÉLOZ, D. «The development of cohesion in writing preliminary research on anaphoric procedures and thematic planning in texts by children», in P. Spoelders (ed.), Literacy acquisition, Lier, Belgique Van.

Ariel, M. Accessing noun-phrase antecedents, London Routledge.

BERRENDONNER, A. «Attracteurs», Cahiers de linguistique française 11: 149-158.

BERTHONNEAU, A.-M. «Site anaphorique et site déictique. Étude stratigraphique des compléments de temps», in G. Kleiber & J.- E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

BERRETTA, M. «Catene anaforiche in prospettiva funzionale antecedenti difficili», in M.-E. Conte (ed.), Anaphoric Relations...

BLACK, W. K. «Knowledge-based abstracting», Online Review 14-5 : 327-340.

BOCH, P. & GEURTS, B. «Processing definite NPs», in M.-E. Conte (ed.), Anaphoric Relations...

BOOLCHANDANI, P. «On binding reflexives in Sindhi», in H. H. Hock (ed.), Meeting handbook, Thirteenth South Asian Languages Analysis, Roundtable, 20-3.

BRITO, A. M. «Próprio as a local and long distance anaphoric expression in Portuguese», in Actas do Workshop sobre Anáfora, Ofir, 29-30 September, Associação Portuguesa de Linguistica.

CADIOT, P. «Contrôle anaphorique et prépositions», Languages 97 : 8-23.

CARTER, D. «Control Issues in anaphor resolution», in C. Habel & G. Rickheit (eds.), «Special issue on referential and anaphoric processes in text comprehension», Journal of Semantics 7-4 435-454.

CECHETTO, C. «A comparative analysis of left and right dislocation in Romace», Studia Linguistica 53: 40-67.

CHAROLLES, M. «Note sur les possibilités de reprise pronominale à la suite d'une question catégorielle», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

CHIERCHIA, G. «Anaphora and attitudes de se», in R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expression, Dordrecht Foris.

COLE, P. HERMON, G. & SUNG, L.-M. «Principles and parameters of long-distance reflexives», Linguistic Inquiry 21: 1-22.

CONTE, M.-E. «Pronomi anaforici non-coreferenziali», in M.-E. Conte, A. Giacalone Ramat & P. Ramat (eds.), Dimensioni della linguistica, Milano Angeli.

CONTE, M. E. (ed.) Anaphoric relations in sentence and text, Rivista di Linguistica 2-1.

CONTE, M.-E. «Pronominale Anaphern in Text», in M.-E. Conte (ed.), Anaphoric relations...

CONTE, M. E. «Anaphore, prédication, empathie», in M. Charolles, S. Fisher & J. Jayez (éds.), Le discours. Représentations et interprétations, Nancy Presses Universitaires de Nancy.

CORBLIN, F. «Typologie des reprises linguistiques l'anaphore nominale», in M. Charolles, S. Fisher & J. Jayez (éds.), Le discours. Représentations et Interprétations, Nancy Presses Universitaires de Nancy.

CORBLIN, F. «Les groupes nominaux sans nom du français», in G. Kleiber & J.-E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

CORBLIN, F. «Anaphoric and referential chains in discourse», in M.-E. Conte (ed.), Anaphoric relations...

CORNISH, F. «Anaphore pragmatique, référence et modèle du discours», in G. Kleiber & J.-E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

DAGAN, I. & ITAI, A. «Automatic processing of large corpora for the resolution on anaphora references», in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'90).

DAHL, D. & BALL, C. «Reference resolution in PUNDIT», In Research Report CAIT-SLS-9004, Paoli, PA Center for Advanced Information Technology.

DALRYMPLE, M. Syntactic constraints on anaphoric ninding, Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, Department of Linguistics.

DALRYMPLE, M. ; MAXWELL, J. T. & ZAENEN, A. «Syntactic constraints on anaphoric binding», in Proceedings of COLING-90, vol. 2, Helsinski. [Reprinted in M. Dalrymple, R. M. Kaplan, J. Maxwell & A. Zaenen (eds.), Formal issues in lexical-functional grammar, Stanford CSLI, Publications.]

DANES, F. «On the stylistic relevance of the choice of anaphoric expressions», in M.-E. Conte (ed.), Anaphoric relations...

DANON-BOILEAU, L. «Il y a deixis et déixis considérations cursives sur les limites du fonctionnement déictique de "le" et du fonctionnement anaphorique de "ce"», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

DAVID, S. «Quelques remarques à propos du traitement automatique des relations anaphoriques», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

DAVISON, A. «Long distance syntactic anaphors in Hindi-Urdu», Paper presented at International Conference on Anaphora Form and Function, Delhi University, Delhi.

DELFITTO, D. «Bound pronouns and weak crossovers», in M.-E. Conte (ed.), Anaphoric Relations...

DELMONTE, R. «Semantic parsing with LFG and conceptual representations», Computers and the Humanities 24-5/6 : 461-488.

DI EUGENIO, B. «Centering theory and the Italian pronominal system», in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'90).

DI SCIULLO, A-M. & ROCHETTE, A. (eds.) Binding in Romance Essays in honour of Judith McA'Nulty, Ottawa Canadian Linguistic Association.

DUFFY, S. A. & RAYNER, K. «Eye movement and anaphor resolution : effects of antecedent typically and distance», Language and Speech  33-2 : 103-119.

EGGERS, E. Temporal anaphora in discourse, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Washington.

ENGDAHL, E. «Argument roles and anaphora», in R. Cooper, K. Mukai & J. Perry (eds.), Situation theory and its applications, vol. 1, Stanford CSLI.

FAUCONNIER, G. «Domains and connections», Cognitive Linguistics 1-1 151-174.

FRAURUD, K. «Definiteness and the processing of noun phrases in natural discourse», in C. Habel & G. Rickheit (eds.), «Special issue on referential and anaphoric processes in text comprehension», Journal of Semantics 7-4 395-433.

GARNHAL, A. & OAKHILL, J. «Mental models as contexts for interpreting texts implications from studies of anaphora», in C. Habel & G. Rickheit (eds.), «Special issue on referential and anaphoric processes in text \comprehension», Journal of Semantics 7-4 379-393.

GARROD, S. ;  O'BRIEN, E. J. ; MORRIS, R. K. & RAYNER, K. «Elaborative inferencing as an active or passive process», Journal of Experimental Psychology : Learning, memory, and Cognition 16-2 : 250-257.

GAWRON, J. M. & PETERS, S. Anaphora and quantification in situation semantics, CSLI lecture notes 19, Stanford CSLI.

GAWRON, J. M. & PETERS, S. «Some puzzles about pronouns», in R. Cooper, K. Mukai & J. Perry (eds.), Proceedings of the First Conference on Situation Theory and Its Applications, CSLI lecture notes, Stanford CSLI.

GAWRON, J. M.; NERBONNE, J. & PETER, S. The absorption principle and E-type anaphore, Deutsches Forschungengszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz.

GIBBS, R. W. Jr. «Comprehending figurative referential descriptions», Journal of Experimental Psychology : Learning, Memory, and Cognition 16-1 : 56-66.

GIORGI, A. «On the Italian and French anaphoric and pronominal systems», in M.-E. Conte (ed.), Anaphoric relations...

GIORGI, A.; PIANESI, F & SATTA, G. «A computational approach to binding theory», in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'90).

HABEL, C. & RICKHEIT, G. (eds.) «Special issue on referential and anaphoric processes in text comprehension», Journal of Semantics 7-4.

HAIK, I. «Anaphoric, pronominal and referential Infl», Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 8: 347-374.

HÄRMÄ, J. «Les constructions disloquées en ancien français Problèmes de définition et de délimitation», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

HEIM, I. «E-type pronouns and Donkey anaphora», Linguistics and Philosophy 13: 137-178.

HENDRICK, R. «Breton pronominals, binding and Barriers», in R. Hendrick (ed.), Syntax and semantics 23. The Syntax of the Modern Celtic Languages, New York Academic Press.

HERLOFSKY, W. J. On the discourse functions of Japanese anaphors; *Jibun and tagai*, Ann Arbor University Microfilms International.

HERRMANN, M.-P. «Le rôle du déterminant dans l'accomplissement de la reprise lexicalisée le cas du possessif», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

HESTVIK, A. LF-Movement of pronouns and the computation of binding domains, Ph.D. Dissertation, Brandeis University.

HIELSCHER, M. & MÜSSELER, J. «Anaphoric resolution of singular and plural pronouns the reference to persons being Introduced by different co-ordinating structures», in C. Habel & G. Rickheit (eds.), «Special issue on referential and anaphoric processes in text comprehension», Journal of Semantics 7-4 347-364.

HIRSCHBÜHLER, P. & LABELLE, M. «Celui comme noyau de syntagme nominal», Travaux de linguistique 20: 109-122.

HOBBS, J. «Topic drift», in B. Dorval (ed.), Conversational organization and its development, Norwood NJ Ablex.

HOBBS, J. «Literature and cognition», Lecture Notes, Number 21, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, California.

HOBBS, J. «"Lawrence of virtuous father virtuous son" A coherence analysis», in Literature and Cognition, Lecture Notes, Number 21, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, California.

HYAMS, N. & SIGURJONSDOTTIR, «The development of ‘long anaphora’ : a cross-linguistic comparison with special references to Icelandic», Language Acquisition 1-1 : 57-93.

ISABEL, E. D. V. Universal trends in nominal ZERO anaphora. An inquiry into Japanese and Spanish discourse 513-524, Tokyo Kurosio Pub.

JAYASEELAN, K. A. «Anaphors as pronominals», unpublished manuscript, CIEFL, Hyderabad.

JAYASEELAN, K. A. «Malayalam anaphors and binding principles», CIEFL Occasional Papers in Linguistics, I, CIEFL, Hyderabad.

JOHNSON, M. & KAY, M. «Semantic abstraction and anaphora», in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics-COLING'90.

JOHNSON, M. & KLEIN, E. «Discourse, Anaphora and Parsing», in Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh.

KATADA, F. «The representation of anaphoric relations in logical form», Ph.D. Dissertation, Los Angeles University of Southern California.

KESIK, M. «Adjectifs spatio-temporels en anaphore nominale, ou vers la découverte d'un nouvel anaphorique», Modèles Linguistiques 10/2 135-141.

KLEIBER, G. «Marqueurs référentiels et processus interprétatifs pour une approche "plus sémantique"», Cahiers de linguistique française 11: 241-258.

KLEIBER, G. «Quand il n' a pas d'antécédent», Langages 97: 24-50.

KLEIBER, G. «Sur l'anaphore associative article défini et adjectif démonstratif», in M.-E. Conte (ed.) Anaphoric Relations... & in G. Kleiber (éd.), (1989) Reprises...

KLEIBER, G. «Article défini et démonstratif approche sémantique vs approche cognitive», in G. Kleiber & J.-E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

KLEIBER, G. & TYVAERT, J.-E. (éds.) L'anaphore et ses domaines, Université de Metz, Centre d' Analyse Syntaxique, Paris Klincksieck.

LAPPIN, S. & McCORD, M. «A syntactic filter on pronominal anaphora for slot grammar», in Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh.

LAPPIN, S. & McCORD, M. «Anaphora resolution in slot grammar», Computational Linguistics 16: 197-212.

LARSON, R. K. & MAY, R. «Antecedent containment or vacuous movement. Reply to Baltin», Linguistic Inquiry 21: 103-122.

LEE, C.-I. Recovery and translation of zero anaphoric subjects in Chinese, PhD thesis, University of California.

LI, Y. «X0-binding and verb incorporation», Linguistic Inquiry 21: 399-426.

LINDQUIST, L. «Un cas d'ambiguïté référentielle. Aspects pragmatiques», in G. Kleiber & J.-E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

LUCAS, M. M.; TANEHAUS, M. K. & CARLSON, G. N. «Levels of representation in the interpretation of anaphoric reference and instrument inference», Memory and Cognition 18: 611-631.

MAES, A.A. «The interpretation of coreferential lexical NPs in expository yexts», Journal of Semantics 7: 143-274.

MAILLARD, M. «Du ‘ça’ français au ‘ça’ seychelois», in A. Rousseau Prépublications du Colloque de linguistique La Déixis, (Université de Paris III, 8- 9 Juin) Paris Presses Universitaires de France.

McCLOSKEY, J. «Resumptive pronouns, A-bar binding, and levels of representation in Irish», in R. Hendrick (ed.), The syntax of the modern Celtic languages, San Diego Academic Press.

McDONALD, M. & McWHINNEY, B. «Measuring inhibition and facilitation from pronouns», Journal of Memory and Language 29-4 469-492.

MERLINI BARBARESI, L. «Discourse indexicality», J. Aitchison, T. Frank & N. Pantaleo (eds.), English past and present, Fasano Schema.

De MULDER, W. «Anaphore définie versus anaphore démonstrative un problème sémantique? », in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore ...

MURPHY, G. L. «Comprehending figurative referential descriptions», Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition 16-1 : 56-66.

MURPHY, G. L. «Interpretation of verb phrase anaphora: influences of task and syntactic context», The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A, Human Experimental Psychology  42-4 : 675-692.

NEALE, S. Descriptions, Cambridge, MA MIT Press.

NEALE, S. «Descriptive pronouns and donkey anaphora», The Journal of Philosophy 87-3 : 113-150.

NERBONNE, J.; IIDA, M. & LADUSAW, W. «Semantics of common noun phrase anaphora», in A. Halpern (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Stanford CSLI.

O'BRIEN, E.; PLEWES, P. & ALBRECHT, J. «Antecedent retrieval processes», Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning, Memory and Cognition 16: 241-249.

PADILLA, J. A. On the definition of binding in Spanish evidence from child language, Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics 11, Dordrecht & Boston Kluwer Academic.

PÉREZ, S. M. «La categoria grammatica del temps i les relacions deictiques i anafòriques», Caplletra 8: 117-129.

PICABIA, M. «Anaphore nominale dans une structure arborescente», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

PIERARD, M. «Prenez votre bonheur en patience, de peur que celui qui est à venir ne vous consume tout à fait à propos de l'emploi référentiel de celui indicateur», Revue de linguistique romane 54-1 189-210.

PODLESSKAIA, V. I. Voprosy leksicheskoj i sintaksicheskoj semantici  anafora v sovremennon, Moskva : Nauka.

PRINCE, E. «Syntax and discourse a look at resumptive pronouns», in K. Hall et alii (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society.

REBOUL, A. «Pragmatique de l'anaphore pronominale», Sigma 12/13 197-231.

REBOUL, A. «Rhétorique de l'anaphore», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

REBUSCHUI, G. «Théorie du liage et autonomie de la syntaxe», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

REULAND, E. «Reflexives and beyond non-local anaphora in Italian revisited», in J. Mascaró & M. Nespor (eds.), Grammar in progress, Dordrecht Foris.

RIZZI, L. «On the anaphor-agreement effect», in M.-E. Conte (ed.), Anaphoric Relations...

ROBERTS, C. Modal subordination, anaphora, and distributivity, Outstanding dissertations in linguistics, New York Garland.

SANFORD, A. J. & LOCKHART, F. «Description types and method of conjoining as factors influencing plural anaphors a continuity study of focus», in C. Habel & G. Rickheit (eds.), «Special issue on referential and anaphoric processes in text Ccmprehension», Journal of Semantics 7-4 365-378.

SCHELLETTER, C. «Pronoun use in normal and language-impaired children», Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 4-1 : 63-75.

SCHIFFRIN, D. «Between text and context deixis, anaphora and, the meaning of then», Text 10/3 245-270.

SENGUPTA, G. Binding and scrambling in Bangla, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

SICHELSCHMIDT, L. & GÜNTER, U. «Interpreting anaphoric relations during reading inspection time evidence», in C. Habel & G. Rickheit (eds.), «Special issue on referential and anaphoric processes in text comprehension», Journal of Semantics 7-4 321-346.

SOULE-BECK, I. «Nom propre et anaphore» in G. Kleiber & J.- E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

TANENHAUS, M. K. & CARLSON, G. N. «Comprehension of deep and surface verb phrase anaphors», Language and Cognitive Processes 5: 257-280.

TAO, L. «Reference-tracking systems and anaphora in Mandarin Chinese conversational discourse», in K. Takahara & J. Garcia (eds.), Colorado research in linguistics, VII.

TASMOWSKI-de RYCK, L. «Les démonstratifs français et roumains dans la phrase et le texte», Langages 97: 82-99.

TYVAERT, J.-E. «Les contributions perspectives de la syntaxe et de la logique à établissement des relations endophoriques», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L’anaphore...

VANDEN, W, G. «On control and binding», J. van Lit, R. Mulder & R. Sybesma (eds.), Proceedings of the Leiden Conference for Junior Linguists 1, Leiden University of Leiden.

VELAND, R. «Structure fonctionnelle et interprétation lexicale du syntagme en celui», Travaux de linguistique 20: 123-134.

WARD, J.-H. A Chinese long-istance Anaphor, unpublished manuscript.

ZRIBI-HERTZ, A. «NP lui-même», in G. Kleiber & J. - E. Tyvaert (éds.), L'anaphore...

Last modified: 2/8/2006

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: