Anaphora 1987
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ALSHAWI, H. Memory and context for language interpretation, Cambridge: University Press.

APPELT, D. & KRONFELD, A. «A computational model of referring», in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI87).

ASHER, N. «A typology for attitude verbs and their anaphoric properties», Linguistics and Philosophy 10: 125-197.

BALTIN, M. «Do antecedent-contained deletions exist? », Linguistic Inquiry 18: 579-595.

BARWISE, J. «Noun phrases, generalized quantifiers and anaphora», in P. Gärdenfors (ed.), Generalized quantifiers, Dordrecht: Reidel.

BAVIN, E. «Anaphora in children's Warlpiri», Australian Review of Appled Linguistics 10-2: 1-11.

BERWICK, R. C. & WEXLER, K. «Parsing efficiency, binding, C-command and learnability», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

BICKERTON, D. «He himself: anaphor, pronoun, or ...?», Linguistic Inquiry 18: 345-348.

BOONE, A. «Les constructions il est linguiste/ c'est un linguiste », Langue française 75: 94-106.

BOSCH, P. Representation and accessibility of discourse referents, Stuttgart: Lilog-Report 24.

BOSCH, P. «Pronouns under control? A reply to Liliane Tasmowski and Paul Verluyten» , Journal of Semantics 5: 65-78.

BRENNAN, S.; FRIEDAMAN, M. & POLLARD, C. «A centering approach to pronouns», in Proceedings of the 25th Association Canadian Linguistics Meeting.

BRESNAM, J. & MCHOMBO, S. A. «Topic, pronoun, and agreement in Chichewa», Language 63: 741-782. Reprinted in M. Ilida, St. Wechsler & D. Zec (eds.) (1987), Working papers in grammatical theory and discourse structure: interactions of morphology, syntax, and discourse, Stanford: CSLI Publications.

CARTER, D. Interpreting anaphors in natural language Texts, Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence, Chistester.

CHIPMAN, H. H. & GERARD, J. «Some evidence for and against a 'proximity strategy' in the acquisition of subject control sentences», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

CHRISTIDES, A. «On the interpaly of deixis and anaphora in the history of Greek: ancient Greek and modern Greek», in J. Killen (ed.), Studies in Mycenaean and Classical Greek presented to John Chadwick, Minos XX-XXII.

CLIFTON, C. & FERREIRA, F. «Discourse structures and anaphora: some experimental results», in M. Coltheart (ed.), Attention and performance VII, Hove, East Sussex: Erlbaum.

COHEN SHERMAN, J. «Evidence against a minimal distance principal in first language acquisition of anaphora», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II...

CORBLIN, F. «Ceci et cela comme formes à contenu indistinct», Langue française 75: 75-93.

CORBLIN, F. Indéfini, défini et démonstratifs. Constructions linguistiques de la référence, Genève: Droz.

CORREA, N. «An attribute-grammar implementation of governement-binding theory», in Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

CORNISH, F. «Anaphoric pronouns: under linguistic control or signaling particular discourse representations?», Journal of Semantics 5: 233-260.

COWART, W. & CAIRNS, H. S. «Evidence for ananaphorci mechanism within syntactic processing: some reference relations defy semantic and pragmatic constraints», Memory and Cognition 15-4 : 318-331.

CRAIN, S. «On performability : structure and process in language understanding», Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 1-2 : 127-145.

ENÇ, M. «Anchoring conditions for tense», Linguistic Inquiry 18: 633-657.

ERKÜ, F. & GUNDEL, J. «The pragmatics of indirect anaphors», in J. Verschueren & M. Bertucelli-Papi (eds.), The pragmatics perspective. Selected papers from the 1985 International Pragmatics Conference, Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.

FARMER, A. & HARNISH, M. «Communicative reference with pronouns», in J. Verschueren & M. Bertucelli-Papi (eds.), Proceedings of the International Pragmatics Conference, Amsterdam: Benjamins.

FLYNN, S. A Parameter-setting model of L2 acquisition: experimental studies in anaphora, Studies in Theoritical Psycholinguistics, Dordrecht & Boston: Reidel; Norwell, MA.

FLYNN, S. «L2 acquisition of pronoun anaphora: resetting the parameter», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

FOX, B. Discourse sructure and anaphora, Cambridge: University Press.

FOX, B. «Anaphora in written English narratives», in R. Tomlin (ed.), Coherence and grounding in discourse, Amsterdam: Benjamins.

GÄREDENFORS, P. Generalized quantifiers : linguistic and logical approaches, Dordrecht & Boston : Reidel.

GARNHAM, A. «Understanding anaphora», in A. Ellis (ed.), Progress in psychology of language 3: 253-300.

GOLDIN-MEADOW, «Underlying redundancy and its reduction in a language developed without a language model: constraints imposed by conventional linguistic input», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

GOODLUCK, H. «Children's interpretation of pronouns and null NPs: an alternative view», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

van der GRIFT, M. Zero, is, hic, ille; pragmatic constraints on the use of Latin subject expressions, Master Thesis, Department of Latin, University of Amsterdam.

HADDOCK, N. Incremental interpretation and combinatory categorial grammar, Edinburgh : University of Edinburgh.

HAKULINEN, A. «Avoiding personal reference in Finnish», in J. Verschueren & M. Bertucelli-Papi (eds.), The pragmatics perspective. Selected papers from the 1985 International Pragmatics Conference, Amsterdam: Benjamins.

HEIM, I. «Where does the definiteness restriction apply? Evidence from the definiteness of variables», in E. Reuland & A. terMeulen (eds.), The linguistic representation of (in)definiteness ...

HINTIKKA, J. «A note on anaphoric pronouns and information processing by humans», Linguistic Inquiry 18: 111-119.

HOBBS, J. «Implicature and definite reference» , Report No. CSLI-88-89, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, Stanford, California.

HOBBS, J. & MARTIN, P. «Local pragmatics», in Proceedings, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Milano, Italy, August 1987.

HOEKSTRA, E. «Psych-verbs and the theory of binding», unpublished manuscript, University of Groningen.

HOFFMEISTER, R. «The acquisition of pronominal anaphora in American sign language by deaf children», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

HONG, K.-S. «Discourse binding of the Korean reflexive caki», in S. Kuno et al. (eds.) Harvard Studies on Korean Linguistics, vol. 2, Hanshin, Seoul.

KASHKET, M. B. A government-binding based parser for Warlpiri, a free-word order language, M. S. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT.

KEENAN, E. «On semantics and the binding theory», in J. Hawkins (ed.), Explaining language universals, Oxford: Blackwell.

KEGLE, J. «Coreference relations in American sign language», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

KLEIBER, G. «Connexité, cohésion, cohérence et lexique», in F. Wioland (éd.), Enseignement/apprentissage du lexique en français langue étrangère (Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg, 13-14 Mars 1987), Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, Strasbourg.

KLEIBER G. «L'énigme du Vintimille ou les déterminants "à quai"», Langue Française 75: 107-122.

KUNO, S. Functional syntax. Anaphora, discourse and empathy, The University of Chicago, Chicago.

KUNO, S. «Anaphora and discourse principles», in M. Nagao (ed.), Language and artificial intelligence, Oxford: Elsevier.

LEVINSON, S. «Pragmatics and the grammar of anaphora: a partial pragmatic reduction of binding and control phenomena», Journal of Pragmatics 23: 379-434.

LI, N. & ZUBIN, D. A. Anaphor resolution in Mandarin, 3 ESCOL'86.

LUST, B. (ed.) Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II : Applying the Constraints, Dordrecht: Reidel.

LUST, B. «Introduction», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

LUST, B. ; CHIEN, Y.-C. & FLYNN, S. «What children know: comparison of experimental methods for the study of first language acquisition», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

MaCDONALD, M. C. «Processing binding in passive sentences», in Proceedings of the 4th Eastern States Conference on Linguistics (ESCOL).

MAILLARD, M. Comment ça fonctionne, thèse de doctorat d'Etat, Université de Paris X-Nanterre.

MAILLARD, M. «"Un zizi, ça sert à faie pipi debout". Les références génériques de ça en grammaire française», in G. Kleiber (éd.), Rencontre(s) avec la généricité, Paris: Klincksieck.

MANZINI, R. & WEXLER, K. «Parameters, binding theory and learnability», Linguistic Inquiry 18: 413-444.

MASUNAGA, K. Non-thematic positions and discourse anaphora, Ann Arbor: University Mircofilms International.

MORROW, D. G.; GREENSPAN, S. L. & BOWER, G. H. «Accessibility and situation models in narrative comprehension», Journal of Memory and Language 76: 165-187.

MOXEY, L. M. & SANFORD, A. J. «Quantifiers and focus», Journal of Semantics 5: 198-206.

O’GRADY, W. «The interpretation of Korean anaphora : the role and representation of grammatical relations», Language 63-2 : 251-277.

PESETSKY, D. «Binding problems with experiencer verbs», Linguistic Inquiry 18, pp. 126-140.

PESETSKY, D. «Wh-in-situ and unselective binding», in E. Reuland & A. Ter Meulan (eds.), The representaion of (in)definiteness...

PICA, P. «On the nature of the reflexivization Cycle», Proceedings of NELS 17, GLSA Amherst.

PICABIA, L. Anaphore et détermination, thèse d'Etat, Université de Paris VII, Paris, France.

PINHAS, J. & LUST, B. «Principles of pronoun anaphora in the acquisition of oral language by the hearing impaired», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II...

RAPPAPORT, G. «On syntactic binding into adjuncts in the Russian noun phrase», Linguistics and Philosophy 10-4: 475-501.

REINHART, T. «Specifier and operator binding», in E. Reuland & A. ter Meulen (eds.), The representation of (in)definiteness ...

ROBERTS, C. Modal subordination, anaphora and distributivity, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. [Published in 1990 by Garland, New York].

REULAND, E. & ter MEULEN A (eds.) The Representation of (in)definiteness, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

SELLS, P. «Aspects of logophoricity», Linguistic Inquiry 18: 445-479.

SELLS, P. «Backwards anaphora and discourse structure: some considerations», Technical Report 114, CSLI, Stanford CA.

SELLS, P.; ZAENEN, A. & ZEC, D. «Reflexivization variation: relations between syntax, semantics and lexical structure», in M. Ilida, S. Wechsler & D. Zec (eds.), Working papers in grammatical theory and discourse structure: interactions of morphology, syntax and discourse, 1987, Stanford, CA: CSLI.

SHIMIZU, M. «Coreference of pronominals and anaphors in functional syntax», Bulletin of Hiroshime Jogakuin College 37: 75-95.

SPROAT, R. & WARD, G. «Pragmatic considerations in anaphoric island phenomena», CLS 23: 231-235.

VANDEN WYNGAERD, G. «Control theory. A government and binding approach to infinitival complementation», Antwerp papers in linguistics 52-1: 148.

van STEENBERGEN, M. E. «Binding relations in Finnish», unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Groningen.

VET, C. «Temporele relates in teksten», TTT, Interdisciplinair Tijdshrift voor Taal-en tekstwetenschap 7: 149-166.

WESTERGAARD, M. R. Definite Np anaphora : a pragmatic approach, Oslo : Norvegian University Press.

WEXLER, K. «On the nonconcrete relation between evidence and acquired language», in B. Lust (ed.), Studies in the acquisition of anaphora, vol. II ...

WEXLER, K. & MANZINI, R. «Parameters and learnability in binding theory», in T. Roeper & E. Williams (eds.), Parameters setting, Dordrecht: Reidel.

WILLAMS, E. «Implicit argument, the binding theory, and control», Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 5-2: 151-180.

WINSTON, M.-E. & HERMANN, D. «A taxonomy of part-whole relations», Cognitive Science 2 : 417-444.

Last modified: 10/21/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: