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«Coreferentiality and stress»,Semiotica 2: 335-363.
«On a condition of the coherence of texts»,Language 46: 366-378.
«Samoan pronominalization»,Synthese 21: 359-385. Also in G. Harman & D. Davidson (eds.), Semantics of Natural Languages, Dordrecht: Foris.
«Opacity, coreference and pronouns»,Modern Studies in English, Prentice Hall, NJ: Englewood Cliffs.
«On the pronominalization and the chain of command», in D. Reibel & S. Schane (eds.),Progress in Linguistics, Paris: Mouton.
«Anaphoric relations and their representation in the deep structure of a text», inLinguistic Inquiry 1: 439-500.
«On coreferential complement subject deletion»,SCHARLAU, B. Eine Darstellung der Anaphorik im Spanischen, Fankfurt-am-Main : [s.n.]
Last modified: 10/21/2010