Ambiguity 2001
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AHRENS K. «On-line sentence comprehension of ambiguous verbs in Mandarin», Journal of East Asian Linguistics 10 (4) : 337-358.

ASHER, N. ; HARDT, D. & BUSQUETS, J. «Discourse Parallelism, Ellipsis, and Ambiguity»,  Journal of Semantics 18-1 : 1–25.

BOGQQRDS; P: ; ROORYCK, J. & SMITH, P. J. (eds) Quitte ou double sens : articles sur l’ambigüité offerts à Roland Landheer, Amsterdam : Rodopi.

COLONNA, S. Facteurs influençant la levée des ambiguities syntaxiques, Aix-Marseille I.

GORFEIN, D. S. (ed.) On the consequences of meaning selection : perspective on resolving lexical ambiguity, Washington, D. C. : American Psychological Association.

GAWRONSKA, B. & ERLENDESSON, B. «Reducing ambiguity by cross-category connections», in Proceedings of the NAACL 2001 Workshop on WordNet and Other Lexical Resources, Pittsburgh.

HAYASHISHITA, J.-R. «Scope ambiguity and ‘scrambling’», in R. Billerey & B. D. Lillehaugen (eds) Proceedings of the 19th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Sommerville (MA) : Cascadilla Press.

LAMBRECHT, K. «A framework for the analysis of cleft constructions», Linguistics 39-3 : 463-516.

LAMBRECHT, K. «Dislocation», in M. Haspelmath, E. König, W. Oesterreicher & W. Raible (eds.), Language Typology and Language Universals. An International Handbook, vol. 2, Series Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.

LEINO, J. «Antamiskehys kognitiivisena konstruktiona ('The giving frame as a cognitiveconstruction.')», in J. Leino et al., Roolit ja rakenteet

LEINO, J. «Antamiskehyksen laajentumista ('About the extensions of the giving frame')», in J. Leino et al., Roolit ja rakenteet…

LEINO, J. «Permissiivisyys: infinitiivit ('Permissivity: the infinitives')», in J. Leino et al., Roolit ja rakenteet…

LEINO, P. ; HERLIN, I. ; HONKANEN, S. ; KOTILAINEN, L. LEINO, J. & VILKKUMAA, M. Roolit ja rakenteet. Henkilöviitteinen allatiivi Biblian verbikonstruktioissa ('Roles and structures. Person-referring allative in verb constructions in the 1642 Finnish translation of the Bible'), SKS, Helsinki.

LINDSTRÖM, J. «Inner and outer syntax of constructions: the case of the x och x construction in Swedish», in (Papers originally presented in the panel on Pragmatic aspects of frame semantics and construction grammar, 7th International Pragmatics Conference, Budapest July 9-14 2000.) Available at:

LUCZAK, M. «A relevance-theoretic analysis of the use-mention ambiguity», in E. T. Nemeth, Pragmatics in 2000, (Proceedings from the 7th Pragmatics Conference, vol. 2), Antwerp: IPrA.  

Last modified: 10/21/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: