Ambiguity 1998
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LAMBRECHT, K. & MICHAELIS, L. A. «On Sentence Accent in Information Questions», in J.-P. Koenig (ed.), Discourse and Cognition: Bridging the Gap. Stanford: CSLI. Distributed by Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

LAMBRECHT, K. & MICHAELIS, L. A. «Sentence Accent in Information Questions: Default and Projection», Linguistics and Philosophy 21 : 477-544.

LAMBRECHT, K. & POLINSKY, M. «Typological variation in sentence-focus constructions», in K. Singer et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Papers from the Panels, Chicago, Illinois.

LAPORTE, E. & MONCEAUX, A. 1998-1999 «Elimination of lexical ambiguity by grammars. The Elag system», Lingvisticae Investigationes 22 : 341-367.

LUM, C. M. K. «On the ambiguity of identity construction in karaoke», Mass Communication Research 56 : 65-83.

MOESCHLER, J. & REBOUL, A. Pragmatique du discours : de l’interprétation de l’énoncé à l’interprétation, Paris : A. Colin.

RATNAPARKHI, A. Maximum Entropy Models for Natural Language Ambiguity Resolution, Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania.

SALKOFF, M. 1998-1999 «A Study of ambiguity using Intex», Lingvisticae Investigationes 22 : 143-154.

SORENSEN, R. A. «Ambiguity, Discretion and the Sorites», Monist 81 : 217-35.

Last modified: 10/21/2010

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