Ambiguity 1996
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BADER, M. Sprachverstehen : Syntax und Prosodie beim Lesen, Opladen : Westdeutscher Verlag.

BERBEIRA GARDÓN, J.L. (1996a) «Scope-ambiguity, modal verbs and quantification», Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 4: 53-66.

BULVACˇ, A. «Resolving lexical ambiguity using a formal theory of context», in K. van Deemter & S. Peters (eds), Semantic ambiguity…

COPPERMAN, M. & SEGOND, F. «Computational grammars and ambiguity: the bare bones of the situation», in M. Butt & T. H. King (eds), The Proceedings of the LFG '96 Conference. Rank Xerox, Grenoble.

DALRYMPLE, M. ; LAMPING, J. ; PEREIRA, F. C. N. & SARASWAT, V. «Intentional verbs without type-raising or lexical ambiguity», in J. Seligman & D. Westerståhl (eds), Logic, Language and Computation, Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.  Also in Proceedings of the Conference on Information-Oriented Approaches to Logic, Language and Computation/Fourth Conference on Situation Theory and its Applications, Saint Mary's College of California, Moraga, California. June 1994.

FRANZ, A. Automatic ambiguity resolution in natural language processing : an empirical approach, Berlin & New York : Springer.

FUCHS, C. Les ambiguités du français, Paris : Orphys.

GREEN, G. M. «Ambiguity resolution and discourse interpretation», in K. van Deemter & S. Peters (eds), Semantic ambiguity...

HOBBS, J. R. «Monotone decreasing quantifiers in a scope-free logical form», in K. van Deemter & S. Peters (eds), Semantic ambiguity…

LAMBRECHT, K. «Compositional vs. constructional meaning: the case of French comme N», in T. Galloway & M. Simons (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th SALT Conference.  Cornell University.

LAMBRECHT, K. «On the formal and functional relationship between topics and vocatives. Evidence from French»,  in Goldberg, Adele (ed.), Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 

LAMBRECHT, K. & MICHAELIS, L. A. 1996. «Toward a construction-based theory of language function: The case of nominal extraposition», Language 72-2 : 215-247.

MASMOUDI, I. De l’enfant de sable maudit à la statue de chair sanctifiée de la nuit sacrée: approches syntaxique sémantique et pragmatique de deux oeuvres de Tahar Ben Jelloun, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Grenoble III.

MINEUR, A-M. & BUITELAAR, P. «A compositional treatment of polysemous arguments in categorial grammar», in K. van Deemter & S. Peters (eds), Semantic ambiguity…

NAKASHIMA, H. & HARADA, Y. «Situated disambiguation with properly specified representation», in K. van Deemter & S. Peters (eds), Semantic ambiguity…

POESIO, M. «Semantic ambiguous expressions», in K. van Deemter & S. Peters (eds), Semantic ambiguity…

REBOUL, A. «'If I were you, I wouldn’t trust myself'. Indexicals, ambiguity and counterfactuals», in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Deixis "Time, space and Identity", Nancy.

REYLE, U. «Co-indexing labeled DRSs to represent and reason with ambiguities», in K. van Deemter & S. Peters (eds), Semantic ambiguity…

VAN DEEMTER, K. & PETERS, S. (eds) Semantic ambiguity and underspecification, Stanford, CA : CSLI Publications.

VAN DER DOES J. & VERKUYL, H. «Quantification and predication», in K. van Deemter & S. Peters (eds), Semantic ambiguity…

WADEKIND, J. & KAPLAN, R. M. «Ambiguity-preserving generation with LFG- and PATR-style grammars», Computational Linguistics 22 (4) : 555.

Last modified: 10/21/2010

Please forward questions, comments or suggestions to: Dr. Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, E-Mail: